Chapter 2

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Meredith wakes up on the exam table a few minutes after being rushed in there. Her eyes dart around the room wondering what's going on. She sees Dr Bailey examining her.

"Wha- what's going on? What happened?" Meredith frantically asks. She starts to cough.

"Woah, calm down Grey. Shh, you're okay. You just passed out. We're going to run some tests on you. I just sent your blood down to the lab. I had an intern tell them to rush it." Baileys says, attempting to calm her scared intern down.

"I don't feel well Bailey. I want Derek." Meredith said starting to cry.

"Shh, don't cry. I'll page him okay sweetie?"

Meredith nods and all of a sudden puts her hand to her mouth.

Bailey quickly gets a bin and puts it under her chin and Meredith throws up into it. After throwing up she lies back down on the exam table.

"B-Bailey? Can I have an extra blanket please? I'm freezing."

"Of course you can." Bailey grabs another blanket and puts it on top of her. She rechecks Meredith's temperature and shakes her head. "Grey, you're temperature is higher than it was earlier. We need to get it down before it gets higher."

"What is it?" Meredith asks weakly.

"102 degrees. It was 101 a few minutes ago when I first checked."

"Oh." She throws up again into the bin.

At that moment Derek rushes in after getting the page from Meredith. "Mer! Are you okay? I knew you shouldn't have gone into work today."

"I don't feel good." She wails to Derek. He strokes the top of her head.

Meredith shivers and pulls the blankets closer to her chin.

"Did you get her blood work to the lab already?" Derek asks Bailey.

"Do I look like a fool? Of course I did." Bailey scoffs at him.

All of a sudden Meredith starts coughing a lot and then all of a sudden threw up all over herself. She started crying when she finished. "Derek!!!" She wails.

"Shhh, Shh we'll get you cleaned up." He says to her. He gets a hospital gown from the cabinet and helps her change into it.

An intern comes back in a few minutes later with her results and gives it to Dr Bailey.

Dr Bailey looks over the results and then looks at Meredith. "Grey have you been able to keep anything down today?"

Meredith shakes her head weakly.

"What about drinking? Have you been able to drink any fluids?"

Another no from Meredith.

"She has a bad case of the flu and is extremely dehydrated. I'm going to admit her and get some fluids into her. She's throwing up so much plus not being able to eat or drink so it's made her very dehydrated."

"I want to go home!" Meredith cries.

"Mer, we need to get you stabilized and more hydrated."

Meredith gives in because she doesn't have the energy to fight anymore.

They transfer her over to a patient room and get her hooked up to IVs. They give her antibiotics to help treat her flu as well.

After she throws up a few more times in her room they give her anti-nausea medication.

Derek lays with her in her bed and she falls asleep with her head on his chest. She has extra blankets on her due to her fever causing her to be so cold.

Meredith wakes up and looks at Derek. "Derek?"

"Yeah sweetie?"

"Will you help me to the bathroom? I need to go." 

"Of course. He helps her sit up as she is so weak from her flu and helps her walk to the bathroom. She's still feeling dizzy but the fluids will help with that.

After finishing he helps her back into beds and she lays her head on his chest. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

"I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry." He kisses her forehead and when doing so can still feel the warmth of her skin from her fever.

Meredith smiles at him and falls asleep.

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