Chapter 33

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"That's great, Dr Grey. Thank you." Richard says. "I knew you were the right choice to bring in for this case." He smiles.

"Of course I'm the right choice." Ellis Grey says. "Where is the patient?"

"Room 212." Richard answers. "Ellis, have you spoken to Meredith recently?"

Ellis scoffs. "That girl? What has she done now? Is she flunking out of her intern year? I knew she wouldn't make it. She's too ordinary."

"She's an excellent surgeon. She has great potential. She's just taking a break..." Richard is interrupted.

"Of course she's taking a break. She can't handle it." Ellis shakes her head.

"Ellis, that's not why! She's sick, very sick."

"You don't take a break from your internship when you have the flu Richard. You work through it and you go to work still. I knew she wouldn't amount to much!" Ellis rolls her eyes.

"Cancer. Meredith has cancer!" Richard says loudly.

Ellis' eyes widened. "What did you say?"

"She has cancer, Ellis. She has leukemia. And it has CNS involvement."

"Meredith has cancer?" She takes a seat, not expecting this kind of news. She thinks back to when Meredith was little and was sick.

Ellis goes into Meredith's bedroom to wake her up for school. "Meredith, time to wake up. You need to get ready for school. We need to hurry because I need to get to the hospital."

Five year old Meredith opens her eyes slowly. "Mommy, I don't feel good." Meredith whines. "I don't wanna go to school." Meredith's face is very pale looking.

"No whining Meredith, you know better. Get up and get ready for school." Ellis orders.

"Mommy, my tummy doesn't feel good." Meredith whispers. "And my head hurts." She has tears running down her face.

The doctor in Ellis begins to get concerned. "Where does it hurt in your stomach Meredith?"

"Right here." Meredith points to the right side of her stomach. "It hurts really bad mommy!" She starts crying harder in pain.

"Not today! I have a big surgery today." Ellis mutters, having a feeling about what is wrong with her daughter. "Mer, I'm going to take your temperature." She runs to grab a thermometer. "Open up Meredith."

Meredith does and Ellis puts the thermometer under her tongue. Once it beeps, Ellis pulls it up and silently curses as she has a high fever.

"Mommy, my tummy!" Meredith sobs. "Make it better Mommy!"

Ellis puts her hands on Meredith's abdomen and palpates the right side making Meredith howl in pain. Meredith tries to squirm away from her mom's hands. "Hold on Mer. I know it hurts."

"Mommy! It hurts!" She howls in pain.

"We're going to the hospital Meredith. Get your shoes and jacket on." Ellis gives in and helps Meredith when she sees Meredith can barely move since she's in so much pain.

She gets her into the car and drives to the hospital. Little Meredith sobs loudly the entire drive.

"Mommy, it hurts! It hurts so much mommy!" Meredith's face is red from crying so much.

"We're almost there. We're going to go get an ultrasound for your stomach." Ellis drives up to the emergency entrance and quickly parks. "I need a gurney!!"

Back in the present time, Ellis was stunned to hear that her daughter was so sick. "Are you sure? Maybe you read the results wrong?"

Richard shakes his head. "The results were read correctly. I'm so sorry Ellis. Do you want to see her? She's not doing very well, so you need to be prepared."

Ellis nods. "Yes please."

Richard leads her to Meredith's hospital room and she gasps when she sees her daughter laying in the bed. "Oh Meredith..."

Meredith's eyes blink open and she sees Ellis and Richard standing in her doorway.

"Mommy?" She whispers weakly.

I hope you enjoyed!

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