Chapter 25

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A few hours later Meredith is starting to wake up from the sedative. She starts stirring in her bed and Derek looks over at her.

Meredith slowly opens her eyes and instantly looks for Derek. She smiles when she sees him. "Hi." She breathes.

"Hi Mer. How are you feeling?" Derek asks her softly.

"I'm fine." Meredith whispers. "Can you get Cristina for me please? I want her to help me get ready for the prom tonight."

Derek sighs. "Mer... you're in no shape to go to the prom. You need to stay here and rest."

"No! Wanna go. I don't want to miss out." Meredith weakly says. "I need to show support for Richard's niece."

"Mer, he knows you support his niece. But he would agree with me that you are in no shape to go. You were just in agonizing pain a few hours ago. We had to give you a sedative and strong pain medicine. You're not well Mer."

"I don't know if I'll survive this. I want to go and have fun. Please." Meredith says softly.

"Mer, you have to stay positive. You will beat this."

Meredith shrugs. "I'm trying. It's so hard. Please. I want to go to the prom."

"Fine.  But you have to promise me you won't push yourself. I need you to stay healthy, well as healthy as you can be." Derek says.

"I promise. Can you text Cristina please?" Meredith asks softly, her eyes starting to close.

"Yes." Derek gets his phone out and texts Cristina to come to Meredith's room.

"Wake me when she's here." Meredith says as she falls asleep.

Derek sighs. He wishes that Meredith would agree to skip the prom. She's just not strong enough to go to the prom. He knows she'll overdo it and make herself worse.

Cristina arrives a few minutes later and is carrying a long dress.

"Hi." Derek whispers. "She just fell back asleep. She wasn't even awake for ten minutes yet she insisted that she go to the prom. Promise me that you'll keep an eye on her and not let her overwork her body. I'll be there too but I'll need all the help I can get with her."

Cristina sighs. "How is she going to handle being at the prom if she can't stay awake in her room? Derek, I don't like the idea of this."

Derek sighs. "I don't either but you know how stubborn she is. I tried to talk her out of it but she wouldn't budge. I'm going to make sure she stays in the wheelchair the entire time."

Cristina nods. "I bought a dress for her. She's lost a lot of weight since she's been diagnosed so I'm not sure if it'll fit. I found the smallest dress that I could."

"We'll make it work. Thank you Cristina. She's really going to appreciate that." Derek said with a small smile.

Just then Derek notices the medium sized bag Cristina is holding. "What's in the bag Cristina?"

"A wig for Mer. It looks identical to her hair. I wanted her to feel like herself again." Cristina said with a smile. "Do you mind if I wake her so I can give it to her?"

"I don't know. She's really tired. She needs all the energy she can get for tonight."

"I know but this will make her so happy. She needs to feel happy again. This cancer is taking a lot out of her." Cristina said sadly.

"Okay. You can wake her." Derek said.

"Thank you! I'll lay with her hair and get her to go back to sleep until we need to get her ready for tonight." Cristina walks over to the side of the bed. She gently rubs Meredith's cheek. "Mer... wake up. I have something for you."

Meredith groans. "Nauseous."

"We'll page a nurse to give you something for that." Cristina says.

Derek presses the nurse call button and a nurse comes in.

"Hi, can she get something for her nausea?"  Derek asks.

Meredith, during all this is just watching everyone with her eyes half open. She doesn't have the energy to do or say anything.

The nurse nods and quickly goes to grab the medicine and comes back a minute later and injects it into Meredith's IV.

"Thank you." Meredith whispers weakly. Her eyes keep trying to close but she fights the sleep that wants to come. Derek and Cristina both notice this and again have doubts about her attending prom tonight. But neither say anything as they know Meredith will be stubborn and insist on going.

"Hey Mer. I have a surprise for you." Cristina says, smiling at Meredith.

"What is it?" Meredith breathes out.

Cristina hands Meredith the bag and it drops instantly on top of her on the bed as it's just too heavy for her in her weak state. It is not heavy at all but Meredith has no strength to hold it. Cristina quickly helps Meredith. Meredith takes the item out of the bag and gasps when she sees what it is. "It looks like my hair!" Meredith whispers.

"It's identical, Meredith." Cristina smiles.

"Thank you!" Meredith smiles. "Can you help me put it on?"

Cristina nods and puts it on Meredith's bald head.Cristina takes a picture of Meredith in the wig and shows it to her. Meredith gasps again when she sees the picture.

"I... I look like me again." Meredith said with tears in her eyes. "Thank you Cris. I'm so happy you're my person." Meredith pats the bed and Cristina lays down next to her. Meredith puts her head on Cristina's chest. "I love you Cris."

"I love you too Mer. You have to get better Mer. I need you."

Meredith nods. "I'm trying."

"That's all we can ask. Okay, go back to sleep Meredith. I'll be right here with you." Cristina puts her arm around Meredith's body.

"Will you wake me up for prom?" Meredith whispers, her eyes barely open.

"I will. Go to sleep." Cristina whispers.

Meredith allows her body to finally go to sleep and is instantly out.

Hope you enjoyed!

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