Chapter 18

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"Meredith wake up! Please baby wake up for me." Derek begs as he holds Meredith in his arms

"Derek, the paramedics on on their way. They'll be here in 5 minutes." Cristina tells him after she hangs up after talking to 911.

Derek nods quickly.

"I'm going to go wait downstairs." Cristina hurries downstairs to look out for the ambulance.

"Come on baby. Wake up for me. I love you so much. I need you to be okay."

Derek hears Cristina rushing up the stairs, leading the paramedics to Meredith. Meredith starts to wake up and groans.

"Oh Mer! Everything will be okay." Derek says, soothing her.

Meredith can barely keep her eyes open and goes to close them again.

"Mer, stay awake please. Don't fall back asleep."

The paramedics come in and set the stretcher down.

She tries to weakly bat the paramedics hands away but is unsuccessful. She loses consciousness again.

"Dammit. She's passed out again."

They quickly get her into the ambulance and the paramedics hook her up to medical devices. They insert and IV into her and place an oxygen mask over her face.

"Oxygen levels are low, only 68%." The paramedic days to the other. "Temp is 106. We need to get this temperature down now!"

All of a sudden Meredith's body starts shaking uncontrollably.

"Meredith!" Derek says,crying. "Please help her."

They quickly inject Meredith with medicine to stop the seizure. Her body goes limp once she gets the medicine in her.

They soon get to Seattle Grace Hospital. The paramedic opens the door to the ambulance.

"Meredith Grey, 28 year old female, 106 degrees temperature, febrile seizure on route, leukemia patient." Meredith's stretcher is quickly wheeled out of the ambulance.

Dr Bailey quickly takes charge. "Trauma One! Let's go people!"

She brings her to trauma one and quickly starts to examine her. She places cooling packs around her body to try to get her fever down.

She makes Derek and Cristina wait outside of the trauma room.

Meredith wakes up in the room with Dr Bailey. Dr Bailey can see that Meredith's eyes are all glazed over.

"Hi Meredith. I'm going to take good care of you. You will be just fine." Dr Bailey says, soothing her.

Meredith moans in response.

Dr Bailey listens to Meredith's heart and lungs and doesn't like what she hears. She orders a chest X-ray.

"Don't feel good." Meredith whimpers.

"I know sweetie. Don't you worry. I'm going to help you."

Meredith all of a sudden tries to get off of the stretcher.

"Meredith, sweetie, you have to lay down."

"Want Derek." She moans. She starts coughing a lot.

"One of you go get Derek right now!" Bailey orders an intern.

The intern quickly leaves and returns a moment later with Derek.

"I'm here Mer." Derek comforts her. "Bailey how is she?"

"Her lungs don't sound good. I'm ordering a chest X-ray which should be here any moment."

"Her breathing isn't very good either." Derek says and Bailey nods.

"Wanna go home." Meredith whimpers.

"You need to stay here Mer." Derek says.

Meredith cries softly to herself.

Just then the door opens and the Bailey sighs a sigh of relief. "Okay Meredith. I'm going to take an X-ray of your chest so we can figure out what's going on."

Meredith moans and lets out a bunch of hacking coughs.

Bailey gets the X-rays she needs and looks then over. "Pneumonia."

Derek gasps. "No!" He starts to cry.

"We are going to do everything we can Derek."

"Derek her sats aren't good. If her oxygen goes under 60, I'm going to have to intubate her." Bailey says.

Derek nods sadly.

"What are her oxygen levels now?" Derek asks

"Only 66%"

"Wanna go home." They hear a raspy voice say.

"Mer, honey, you're going to be staying here. I'm admitting you. You have pneumonia." Bailey says to her intern.

"No!" Meredith whines and coughs some more. She removes the oxygen mask from her face.

"Mer you need to keep that on." Bailey warns.

Meredith is very short of breath and is having a lot of trouble breathing. Bailey quickly puts the oxygen mask back over her face.

"I'm going to bring her to her room now." She starts pushing Meredith's stretcher out the door. Cristina sees this and instantly jumps up from.

"How is she?"

"Pneumonia." Derek says sadly.

"Oh no." Cristina says and follows behind. "Mer, you're going to be just fine."

"Cris..tina." Meredith says, breathing heavily.

"I'm here Mer."

Bailey gets Meredith settled in her room and attaches her to a heart rate monitor and other medical devices to keep an eye on her vitals.

Meredith is in a lot of pain from the pneumonia. The coughing leaves her in a lot of pain.

"Has her fever come down any?" Derek asks.

"Just a little. It's 104 now." Bailey says.

"Vitals still haven't improved much. Oxygen levels are still low." Derek says.

"What about her heart rate?"

"Not great."

"I'm... not...dead...yet." Meredith whimpers. "'"

"Oh Mer, we're so sorry. We're just so worried and want you to feel better." Derek says

Just then the alarm on Meredith's oxygen levels monitors goes off.

"Oxygen levels dropped down to 50! Intubating now! I need an intubation kit and sedation stat!" Dr Bailey yells.

Meredith is struggling to get air into her lungs.

"" She gets out, gasping for air.

"Mer, this isn't up for debate." Bailey says.

Meredith gasps for air.

"It's going to be okay. We're going to help you."

A nurse brings in the intubation kit. Bailey quickly sedates Meredith and intubates her.

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