Chapter 30

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Meredith holds her hand to her already starting to bruise cheek and whimpers. "D-Der."

Derek kneels down in front of Meredith's wheelchair and takes her hand off of her cheek to see the injury. He knows that her cheek is bruising so quickly because of her cancer. "We'll go put some ice on your cheek." He softly says.

She nods weakly.

Derek stands up and glares at Thatcher. "You need to leave. Now."

"That's my daughter. I have a right to see her." Thatcher says.

"You say she's your daughter yet you hit her? What a great father you are." Derek scoffs.

"Clearly she deserves it." Thatcher smirks.

Meredith wants to get away from her father and starts to stand up without Derek noticing. She wobbles but remains standing. She takes a few steps but then collapses.

"Dr Grey!" A nurse yells and rushes over.

Derek turns around and sees Meredith laying on the floor. "Mer!" He helps her up and she holds onto him to steady herself. "Are you okay?"

Meredith ignores the question and glances at Thatcher. "I need to go." She whispers weakly.

"Let's get you back to your bed." Derek says.

Derek picks up Meredith and she clings to him.

"Hey! I don't think she's going anywhere!" Thatcher slurs.

"Leave her alone Thatcher!" Derek yells.

"Der... don't feel well." Meredith mumbles, feeling nauseated.

"I know sweetie, let's get you back to bed." He rubs her back to comfort her.

"She's just like her mother!" Thatcher yells drunkenly.

"Can someone page Bailey and Webber to meet us in her room please?" Derek starts walking towards Meredith's room and whispers comforting words in Meredith's ear.

Thatcher follows Derek and Meredith. "I bet you're cheating on your perfect Doctor, just like your mother!"

Meredith whimpers.

"Shh, ignore him." Derek whispers. "Thatcher, you need to go before I call security."

"She's faking! She's not sick! She's doing it all for attention!" Thatcher yells, continuing down the hallway after them.

"D-Der... need to... throw...up." Meredith closes her eyes, her skin all pale.

"Okay. Can you hold on just a minute? We're about to be in your room."

Meredith shrugs. "Dunno."

Meredith all of a sudden can't hold it in any longer and throws up all over Derek. She instantly starts sobbing because she threw up all over the both of them.

"Hey, you're okay! No big deal Mer. Let's get you cleaned up." Derek sets her down in the chair and leaves to get a nurse.

Meredith starts shivering and her teeth chatter.

Thatcher enters the room all of a sudden and Meredith's eyes widen when she sees him.

Thatcher starts throwing random items around the room, some just barely missing hitting Meredith. The next item he throws collides with Meredith's forehead, making a deep cut.

Meredith starts sobbing and puts her hand over her forehead.

"Oh shut up! You're fine, you faker! That didn't hurt!" Thatcher yells in her face and tightly grips her arms

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