Chapter 5

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After Dr Bailey takes a moment to just stare at the multiple bruises on Meredith's back she quickly gets back to work.

She rechecks Meredith's temperature to see if it has decreased any but to her disappointment it was still the same. "Someone get me more ice packs so we can get her temp down! And you better do it fast before she seizes again!" Right at that moment Meredith starts to seize again.

"Get me 5ccs of diazepam! Hurry up!" She is holding Meredith on her side and injects the medicine into her. After she gets the medicine into her Meredith stops shaking and her body relaxes. Dr Bailey lays Meredith back down on her back and strokes the top of her head. "You're going to be fine sweetie. I'll make sure of that." She says to an unconscious Meredith.

She then looks up and yells at an intern just standing there. "Where are those blood results??!! I can't wait all day for them! And do NOT just stand there looking stupid!"

At that moment the intern's pager goes off. "The bloodwork results are in. I'll go get them." The intern quickly rushes off.

Dr Bailey just rolls her eyes at the intern. "Stupid intern." She mutters under her breath.

"Dr Bailey, how is she doing?" Dr Webber asks.

Bailey sighs. "She had another febrile seizure sir. I've just packed her with more ice packs but it wasn't working fast enough. I'm going to recheck her in a few. Also, sir, she has a lot of bruises on her. Like an abnormal amount."

Dr Webber's eyes widen at her words. "We need to get to the bottom of this. I can't let Ellis Grey's daughter suffer like this."

Just then the intern rushes in and gives Dr Bailey the results of Meredith's blood work. She quickly opens the envelope and reads through the results. "No no no."

"What is it?!" Dr Webber asks loudly.

She hands him the paper and his eyes widen. "Her red blood cells are low and her white blood cells are super high. This on top of all of the bruising on her body does not bode well to me. We need to talk to Derek about how she's been feeling lately." He says.

She nods and is examining Meredith again and also rechecking her temperature and vitals. "Her fever has decreased a little. Good. Her vitals are okay." She then notices a little rash on Meredith's arm. "Sir, look at this."

He looks at Meredith's arm and sighs. "Petechiae. Damn it."

"I'm ordering a lumbar puncture and bone marrow biopsy." Bailey says.

Dr Webber nods. "I'll go grab Derek and we can talk to him."

"Okay. She needs to be admitted. Let me do that and then I will meet you guys."

He nods and leaves the room while Dr Bailey works on admitting Meredith. She pages a nurse who comes in a few minutes later. The nurse is there to bring Meredith to her room.

Dr Bailey notices Meredith's eyes starting to flutter.

Meredith groans a little from not feeling well. She slowly opens her eyes and sees she's in the hospital. "W-why am I here?"

"Hey Mer. You've been really sick. We're slowly getting your fever down. It was 106 Mer. Way too high for your safety. You had a few febrile seizures also." Dr Bailey tells Meredith.

"I- what? But it's just the flu? Why is my fever so high?"

Dr Bailey cries on the inside but doesn't let Meredith see any of her emotion just yet. "Mer sweetie. You might be sicker than we first thought." She says taking Meredith's hand in hers.

"What do you mean?" Meredith asks shakily. "What's wrong with me?"

"We need to run some more tests to find out for sure but your blood work didn't look to good for our liking." She says.

"W-what kind of tests?" Meredith asks, looking scared.

Dr Bailey doesn't say anything for a moment and then speaks. "'Nurse Anna, could you give us a minute please?"

The nurse quickly nods and leaves the room.

"What tests? Why'd you send her away? You're scaring me Bailey." Meredith asks fearfully.

Bailey holds onto Meredith's hand tightly. She sighs. "Meredith, we need to run a Lumbar puncture and a bone marrow biopsy."

Meredith's eyes widen. "B-but isn't that used to-"

Bailey let's a tear fall. "Yes Meredith. It's used to diagnose leukemia."


"When do we have to do the tests?"

Meredith nods.

"Dr Webber is talking to Derek now. I want to do the tests tomorrow morning. I just admitted you and since it's the middle of the night we'll do them in the morning."

"But that'll hurt." Meredith says with tears running down her face.

"I know. Would you want Cristina there to hold your hand during the tests?"

Meredith nods.

"Okay, I will let her know."

"Dr Bailey?" Meredith says softly.

"Yes Mer?"

"I don't want to have cancer."

"I know Mer. I know."

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