4.Not the Best Example To Set

Start from the beginning

"The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami.Several systems have been glitching ever since." Echo replied, pressing a few buttons that were glowing. "Repairs would go faster if I had some help." He said, more so to Tech. The clone with glasses was busy building some kind of object.

"As soon as I'm done building this scanner. Testing the functionality of our inhibitor chips takes precedence." Tech muttered, holding up the scanner and squinting at it. He shook his head and went back to redo something on it.

"But I thought you said they were defective." Echo chirped.

Alona frowned. "Please don't tell me you guys might go berserk and try to kill me too." She pleaded. She would be a dead woman for sure if the Batch came after her.

    "This device will be able to prove my theory. Besides, the ship-wide diagnostic report indicated no critical systems were compromised."  Tech said simply.

    The ship jolted and Alona grabbed onto Echo's seat with both hands, trying to keep herself from flying out the windshield. "No critical systems, huh?" She shouted over the racket. The Marauder was heading straight for a moon after falling out of hyperspace. Alona's heart rate picks up.

    Hunter moved to hold onto Tech's headrest. "Getting thrown out of hyperspace. I'd say that's pretty critical, Tech." He retorted.

Tech stands up and starts flipping switches. He seemed entirely calm about the situation. "It's not affecting life support. We're fine." He says, sitting back down in the pilot seat.

"Are you kidding?" Hunter growls.

"We won't be needing life support when we crash into that moon and die!" Alona exclaimed. She quickly covered her mouth, hoping Omega didn't hear her from the back of the ship.

"The power capacitor is blown. We need to land immediately." Echo urged.

"More like crash immediately." Alona quipped.

Wrecker and Omega took the seats in the middle of the Marauder. Just to add on, those are the only two seats on the entire ship that have some sort of protection in case of a crash. Alona took the seat behind Echo, grabbing onto the bottom of the chair. Hunter did the same to her left.

"I can't see anything!" Echo growled. They entered the moon's atmosphere, seeing nothing but dark fog.

"Hold on!" Hunter warns.

    "We're gonna die, we're gonna d-be fine! We're gonna be fine!" Wrecker screamed, obviously having forgotten that Omega was right next to him.

The Marauder hits the moon's surface. Alona's head is thrown forward and she grips the seat harder. She was going to feel that later, she thought as she clenched her jaw. The ship stops sliding against the ground, sending her head flying back into the headrest.

    Alona exhales, a relieved smile on her face. "Another happy landing." She joked, standing up. Something on the ceiling breaks and white smoke pours out. "I think your list just got three times longer, Echo."

    He playfully glared at her.

    Hunter set Gonky back up on his feet, the poor droid having been thrown around the entire ship. "Everybody alright?" He asked.

    "Until the wicked whiplash kicks in, yeah." Alona nodded. "Omega, Wrecker, you guys good back here?" She asked, following Hunter out of the cockpit.

    Wrecker was breathing heavily like he was traumatized. Omega peeled her eyes open. "Is it...over?" She asked, gripping onto the straps like her life depended on it. Which, it just did.

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