Happy wedding eve bella

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They may have not got the happy ending they expected tonight, but there was one thing for sure, they had their real happy ending for the rest of their lives together, starting at one week from now, when they finally say those two words they have wanted to say since they were 16:

I do.

Hangovers and embarrassment blessed both Maya and Carina the next day as they slowly remembered details from the night before. More specifically the dirty talk and almost fucking in the kitchen, but being stopped as Gioia walked in. Not ideal.

"Ugh I can't wait to get into this bed" Carina sighed, as herself and Maya pulled back the covers on either side. It was currently Sunday night and both women were exhausted.

"We haven't talked about who is staying where next week baby" Maya mentioned, pulling Carina in as they cuddled under the covers.

"You mean the night before the wedding? Bambina we can just both stay here... in our comfy bed together" Carina smiled, resting her head on Maya's chest.

"Now as much as I love that... we can't. I can't have anything bringing bad luck to our day, you know it's tradition we have to spend the night away from each other".

"But- but" Carina pouted.

"No buts!" Maya giggled, "I'm going to stay at Andy's Friday night, and before you say no, I have already spoken to her and she offered anyway".

"Maya" Carina whined.

"Babe it's one night" Maya chuckled, "I want this to be perfect".

"It will be" Carina said softly, looking into her eyes. She kissed her before continuing, "I love you".

"I love you more" Maya replied, kissing her again. "It makes sense for you to stay here, your parents are here and the babies can stay in their own beds here too".

"You don't want them with you?" Carina questioned.

"Well" Maya sighed, "I thought about it, maybe we could have one each but then it's deciding who stays with who and it's probably just best to let them stay here in their own bedrooms".

"Take your daughter with you" Carina said seriously.

"Our daughter you mean".

"I know... but Maya, be with your little girl... your little walking, talking double" Carina laughed, "and me and Luca will see you at the ceremony".

"Yeah?" Maya smiled.

"Yes" Carina confirmed, "besides, Luca has fabulous fashion sense" they both laughed.

"He does to be fair" Maya nodded, "you don't think they'll think we're picking them because they're our biological children and we're not actually a proper family?".

"You're panicking way too much my love" Carina smiled, "they're four years old" she chuckled.

"Ooo that reminds me" Maya smiled, "do you think I could teach them how to roll hoses and stuff?".

"Sure, when they're teenagers" Carina raised her eyebrows.

"Or you know, like five or six" Maya muttered as she closed her eyes and nodded.

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