This beautiful mess of a world with you

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"I feel safe in your arms".

A little while later Maya was getting ready to leave as both her and Carina had work this afternoon. Maya had arranged for James to look after Penelope and Carina had organised for their nanny to look after Luca. This reminded Maya that she needed to start looking into having a nanny, considering James would not always be there and available to look after Nel when she couldn't.

"Come on beautiful, get your shoes on" Maya said softly.

"But mommy I don't want to go to daddy's house. I want to stay with Luca" the little girl cried.

Maya felt hopeless and looked at Carina for support. She stepped in and picked the little girl up, "hey listen, me and your mommy have to go to work today, so we can't be here to look after you if you stay and play with Luca. But when we go to work, we get money so we can buy more teddies for you and my little munchkin, okay?".

The little girl stopped crying as she understood, so Carina placed her on the ground as Maya mouthed a 'thank you'.

Maya followed Carina into the kitchen so she could say a proper goodbye without the children. She snaked her arms around Carina's torso, "thank you so much for having us, it was amazing".

Carina nodded as she leant in, "hmm it was". Their lips connected and danced together. Carina backed Maya to the kitchen counter and entered her tongue into her mouth. She briefly pulled away and whispered, "you are so sexy". Maya reconnected their lips and snuck her hand up Carina's shirt, finding her bare boobs and rolling her nipple with her fingertips.

Just as things were getting a little more heated, the doorbell rang. "Oh, for fuck sake" Maya huffed.

Carina laughed and stepped away, "it will be the nanny bella".

She opened the door and Maya could here Carina and a woman chatting away. They seemed friendly with each other, which was a good sign, right?

Carina saw Maya coming towards them, "Isabel, this is my friend Maya. We knew each other in college but our kids go to school together, and now are apparently obsessed with each other". All three women laughed together.

"Ah is your daughter Penelope then?" the nanny spoke in a thick Italian accent.

"Yes, she is" Maya smiled.

"Luca talks about her none stop".

"Isabel ciao! Come play with me" the little boy screeched.

"Hi bambino! I will leave you to it, nice to meet you Maya".

The woman walked off and both women walked up to Carina's room so Maya could collect her stuff. Carina noticed she had a weird look on her face, almost smirking. "What?" Carina chuckled lightly, unsure of how to read the situation.

"Oh nothing" Maya dismissed, running her fingertips over the top of Carina's dresser. Carina raised her eyebrows giving her a look to continue. "Your nanny is hot".

Carina now raising her eyebrows even more, "excuse me?".

"What I'm just saying, she's major sexy".

Carina wasn't sure what to say so stayed silent.

"Is she single?" Maya said, trying to mess with Carina. Carina did not see the funny side of this and began to lose her temper.

"I don't know Maya, maybe ask her. I'm sure she will just be another Italian you fucked like me and those girls in college" she scoffed and stormed out.

"Oh shit" Maya muttered to herself.

Maya ran downstairs and met the two adults in the kitchen, "I have to go now, my shift starts in half an hour" Carina said.

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