Just me and you gorgeous

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Once again everything in italics is spoken in Italian. Enjoy <3

"Bella the time factor is none-existent when you have been in love with each other the whole of your lives like you two have" Gioia explained.

Carina glanced at Maya and whispered, "she's right".

Dinner on Saturday night was amazing. Gioia, Enzo, Maya and Carina were all glad to go out and share more stories over multiple bottles of wine. The kids were well behaved and eventually fell asleep sitting on Carina and Maya's knees.

It was now late Sunday afternoon. Carina and Maya were packing their bags for tonight. Tonight, they were staying in a hotel across the city about 40 minutes-drive away. Gioia and Enzo had very kindly offered to take care of the children so they could have some time alone. They had booked a table at a fancy Italian restaurant, doing everything they don't normally do with their babies.

"Okay I think I have everything except... an outfit for tonight" Maya said.

"I've packed mine but before you say... no I will not tell you what it is... it's a surprise" Carina winked, wrapping her arms around Maya's waist.

Maya placed her hands-on Carina's cheeks and looked into her eyes, "god I love you".

Carina leant in millimetres from her lips, "I love you more" she said before leaning in to kiss her softly.

Little did the couple know, Gioia and Enzo had watched the interaction from down the hall, "she is so happy" Enzo whispered.

"She is" Gioia agreed. The couple walked down the stairs to find their grandchildren.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, Maya and Carina were still standing in each other's embrace. Carina said, "I know recently we have had a couple of disagreements... and life has just gotten to us a bit too much... I think tonight is exactly what we need. You, me... dressing up to go to a restaurant for a table for two..." Maya smiled in agreement, "with lots of wine... to stumble back to the hotel so we can rip each other's clothes off..." Carina smirked.

"Mhm" Maya agreed, "I'm getting wet thinking about it" she whispered.

"I know you are... you're so naughty" Carina bit her lip.

"Wouldn't it be funny if we were so tired that we fell asleep when we got back to the hotel and didn't have sex" Maya chuckled.

"Erm no that would not be funny at all bambina" Carina said seriously.

Maya burst out laughing, "does an orgasm really mean that much to you?" she asked playfully.

"When I have a girlfriend like you who gives me those orgasms..." Carina said, backing Maya to the wall, "yes, they mean that much". She kissed her passionately before pulling away, "plus besides the other night, we hardly ever have sex... it's going to be so good".

Maya nodded, "I'm sorry we haven't had time for each other. I know it's not really our fault, but I do feel a little guilty. When your parents leave maybe we should make more effort to do things like even if we're exhausted getting into bed, just spare 10 minutes for just us. To talk... make out... have sex" Maya winked.

"Hm I agree... although we might need to spare a little longer than 10 minutes for sex bella".

"You're spending a year of your life studying the female orgasm... 10 minutes should be plenty" Maya said, squeezing Carina's butt.

"Mhm you're right..." Carina smirked.

They finished their packing and made their way downstairs.

"Okay we're ready" Carina said to her children and parents in the kitchen.

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