Mulai dari awal

Immediately I came to view, everybody turned their attention to me. You know those cliché movies where the star of the film is coming into view and everything automatically turns into slow motion while music is playing in the background?

That's exactly how this felt right now. All eyes were on me and in no time, people began to bring out their phones to video. God, I will be all over people's statuses and stories today.

Trust Jojo not to slack in things like this, she began to hype me up and my cousin followed suit. I couldn't help but smile at them. I glanced at Dave who had his eyes on me the whole time. I like the fact that I was making him stare.

"Make some noise for the celebrant!" The DJ purred making everyone in the room scream. The music began to play again making some teenagers to continue dancing while some had small talks here and there. I felt someone beside me and I almost jumped in excitement when I saw who it was.

Today keeps getting better.

"My baby!" I hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his head in the nape of my neck.

"Happy birthday to you my lulu, I wish you long life and prosperity." He kissed my forehead when we withdrew from the hug.

"Thank you boo. I'm so happy you came." I say genuinely.

"I was supposed to be here earlier but I got caught up in traffic, I'm sorry."

"It's fine love. Thanks for coming anyways."

"Your house looks beautiful by the way." This was the first time Drey was ever visiting my house.

"Thank you-" Dave came from behind and snaked his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my head.

"Hey babe," he was being possessive again.

"Hi papi."

"Who's your friend?" He asked. I couldn't miss the jealously in his eyes. Even if nobody could see it, I could.

"Oh, this is Drey. He's almost like the only friend I have in school and he's my sit partner too." I say giggling. "Drey this is Dave, my-"

"-boyfriend." Dave completed stretching out his hands for a handshake. Drey looked confused but he took the hand anyways. I was confused too because as far as I can remember, Dave and I haven't gone official yet.

"Babe can I see you for a few minutes? I'm sorry my girlfriend and I need to talk." Dave winked at Drey before taking me away.  I was so lost right now.

"Dave what was that petty act for?" I ask as we got to a place in the house where the music wasn't too loud.

"I don't like him." Was his simple response.



"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Well I think you're just being jealous because I don't understand how you won't like someone you're meeting for the very first time."

"I don't like the way he was being all touchy." Dave pressed further.

"Babe you need to take a chill pill because we aren't even official yet. You can't keep acting possessive if you're not ready to make me yours." I say and with that, I walked away with him following behind me.

I went back to Drey to apologize for what just happened.

"It's fine. I didn't know you had a boyfriend tho." He said and I could swear I saw something like hurt flash in his eyes but it went just as fast as it came.

INSECURITIES.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang