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When Jasmine got home, she went straight into her room and took a seat.
She began to think about what just happened.
She texted him, apologising for bringing nothing but pain to his life.

"Should I leave?" she asked, and then deleted it.
He replied immediately.

"Stop thinking about it too much Jasmine, you're not the only one.
Lol, why did you delete should I leave?"

''Should I leave?'' She asked again.

''Here we go again.
I don't cut people off that easily Jasmine.''

''But all I do is bring pain to your life Dave
Why are you still talking to me?''

''You're over thinking everything again
Just be yourself.
Whatever is meant to be will be.
Time will tell if you're meant to stay in my life or not.''
Dave replied.

He knew he was trying to push her away but at the same time, he didn't want her to leave so he had this to say.

''Do you love me?'' Jasmine asked.

If only Dave knew the amount of courage it took for Jasmine to ask this question. . . .

''Yes I do. Not like love love love tho, the love is just on the surface.''
Dave replied.

''On a scale of 1-100?''
Jasmine asked.

Dave replied.

''But I love you soulmate love tho.''

''Do not, I will break your heart.
Make sure you do not let that love grow.
If it should. . .''
Dave replied.

''Thanks for letting me know.''

''You're welcome.''

They talked about other things and he chatted with more interest this time.
It seemed like the things she said sank in this time around.
She sent him voice notes that night, pouring out her feelings to him.

She didn't care about what he would say or how he would react.
She just wanted to get it all out.
After all, everyone had been persuading her to confess her feelings already.

She poured out her mind like she was drunk.
She told him she was just so pained that he couldn't see her worth.

"Fuck you,"she said.

"Fuck you for not loving me as much as I love you."

"Fuck you for for not treating me right."

"Fuck you for not caring about me as much as I care about you."

"I will break your heart"
That word couldn't stop playing in her head.

He had already been so good enough to tell her the truth
"I will break your heart."

Although the statement on it's own broke her already, she tried to play cool and just be good friends with him.

At least for that period when he was giving her attention and putting in more interest in whatever conversation they were having.

They sent voice messages to each other and he sang her songs he had been working on.
One of them which contained the name of his crush, kylie.

So he was still into this girl?
It seemed like that was the only girl he would die for.

He played a prank on her again, saying they were now in a relationship.
Jasmine had no idea as to why he always did that.
He told her speaking of kylie, they were now together.
He said they were dating for like a month now but he kept it private.

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