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12th, December 2020.

Third person POV

Three weeks passed since Dave and Jasmine saw each other but they still communicated through their phone.

One issue Jasmine had with Dave is that he was really secretive.
Dave could be dying and still not say a word to Jasmine.
He literally kept everything away from her.

She always complained about this to him and most times, he would tell her that humans could not solve his problems so why bother telling them?
He said God was the only one he told his problems to because he believed he was the only one who had solutions to them.

Jasmine still tried to make him understand that telling your problems to God was a good thing because she also did that.
But she urged him to at least talk to her about it even if he didn't tell anyone else.
She told him that she could also include him in her prayers if she couldn't solve them.

He finally agreed to tell her some things about him the next time they met each other and this made her so eager to see him.

After the waiting and postponing of their meet up by Dave, he finally agreed to see her on a Friday, 17th December.

She was already dressed and almost at his apartment when she received a text from Dave informing her to not bother about coming anymore.

She ignored the message and kept her phone beside her. There was no way she was going back at this point.
She arrived at his apartment minutes later and she could hear a loud music coming from his house.

Was he throwing a party?
Is this why he didn't want her to come over?

She began to knock on the door of his apartment but no one came out and it caused her to knock harder.
There was no way she was going back home now.

After what felt like hours of knocking, no, banging on Dave's door, he finally came out. Jasmine was already pissed.

''Hey. . . Uhhm, you can't come in oo.'' Dave stated, stuttering causing Jasmine to give him a death glare.

What the fuck was going on!?

''Why?'' She asked. Irritation written all over her face.

''Some of your seniors are here with some guys.'' Dave stated.

''Mtcheew.'' Jasmine sighed as she walked past Dave and made her way into the house.

Who cared about her fucking seniors? If they wanted to make out, then they should get a lodge for all she cared.

Dave followed behind her right away and when she got in, she couldn't see anyone's face properly because the light in the room was dim.

She made her way to the dining room and made herself comfortable.
Dave came along and they sat together

When she was fully settled, she decided to check out who the so called seniors were that made Dave text her from a mile away, telling her not to bother coming anymore and she saw two girls from her school. One was light skinned and slim while the other was dark skinned. She wasn't so thick but she was physically endowed than the lighter figure.

She knew those girls, but she had never spoken to anyone of them. So these ones too are bad?

Justin was with the lighter girl while another stranger was with the darker girl.

''Yo, what would you like to drink?'' Dave asked Jasmine, causing her to bring her attention back to him.

''Any orange juice would be nice, thank you.'' She stated, and Dave went to the fridge to get her something.

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