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Jasmine's POV.

I am woken up by the sound of the birds singing and the cocks crowing. I use my hand to clear my eyes in order to make my vision more clear.

Another day to spend with Dave before leaving for Canada tomorrow. The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.
I pick up my phone and check the time, 12noon. Dave and I had those kind of conversations which you would skip sleep for last night. We were up till 5am, talking about everything and anything. We decided to let each other get some rest by five this morning  because he had a training to attend by 10am today.

I come down from my bed, say my prayers and head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have my bath, ready to start up with my day. I couldn't wait to see what Dave had in store for me too. I was excited to say the least.

At the same time, I feel very grateful that I came home before my dad last night and that we didn't get caught kissing outside. When I went in, my mum was in her room, having a shower so there was no way in hell she could have peeped us kissing.

My dad came in about forty-five minutes after my arrival, because of the traffic I guess. After brushing my teeth and dressing up, I decide to pay my last visit to Jojo, at least before Dave comes back from his training. Besides, I feel like I should formally inform her about my departure too. Even if she isn't my friend per say, I feel like she deserves to know.

I'm the only one at home so I do not need to get permission from anyone before leaving the house. Besides, Jojo's house was just few blocks away from mine so I wasn't really going far.

My mind wanders around a lot of places and then it stops when it gets to the thought of my mum. We became really close lately and I know she's going to take my departure to heart more than anyone else because we formed a strong bond over the year but she's just trying so hard not to show it. She's trying to be strong for me. She doesn't want me to know that me leaving is going to have a big toll on her. But I can see those emotions in her eyes. I can feel her pain, and all of that just makes me more sad.

When we were chilling together in my room last night, she told me to make sure I always called and that I shouldn't mingle with bad friends. She told me to know the reason why I went there and that I should always remember where I was coming from. She told me to stay focused and not let peer pressure take control of me. She also advised me to always put God first in whatever I chose to do and never relent in prayers. And lastly, she advised me to never change who I was to please people.

She said a lot to me last night and I really appreciate that she could take out time to give those motherly advise to me. Especially now that I was starting another phase of life.

I got to JoJo's apartment and tapped on the doorbell, waiting patiently to get a response. She came out in no time and ushered me in. Some of her friends were also there and I guess they were making a YouTube video because she welcomed me with a camera to my face.

Thank God I wasn't looking homeless.

"You guys this is one of my beautiful friend and I guess she came just in time to join up for the juicy question and answers." Jojo said making me smile at the camera. "Jasmine say hi to my viewers," JoJo cooed.

"Hi," I said, still smiling. I really wasn't expecting this to happen but here we are. I hope I'm able to pass out my information to her before leaving though.

I say hi to the other girls before settling down on one of the sofa.

"So you guys," that was Jojo's voice. She was speaking to her viewers. "We have Jasmine, April and Faye today and we are going to be playing some juicy question and answers." She said excitedly. I guess that is the names of the two girls. The April girl looked really familiar tho.

INSECURITIES.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora