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''Stop acting childish right now Drey you know this won't take us anywhere other than getting our day wasted.'' Jasmine stated matter-of-factly, making Drey pause for a minute and then giving her a glance.

''You can't just tell me those three words J.'' It sounded more like a question than a statement.

''You're really making a big deal out of something that is so small yunno. And the fact that you're so desperate to hear it makes me not want to say it at all.'' She replied shrugging, with a smirk stretched across her lips.

''Whatever.'' Drey said, rolling his eyes.

Jasmine proceeded to laying her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.

''I love you, you love me, we are happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, muah! Won't you say you lovee me too!'' Jasmine sang out loudly, pulling the attention of some classmates. But she didn't mind them. Instead, she continued. She wasn't going to stop until Drey quit with the attitude.

Drey couldn't help the sudden smile that came on his face immediately she started with her goofy behaviour.

Who created this girl!?

''Jasmine what the actual fuck do you think you're doing?!'' He asked, looking at her in awe.

''I'm singing for you na. Shebi it's because of I love you you're giving me silent treatments,'' She said with her hands akimbo.

'I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME, WE ARE HAPPY FAMILY WITH A GREAT BiG HUG AND A KISS FROM ME TO YOU MUAH! WON'T YOU SAY YOU LOVEEE ME TOO!'' Jasmine yelled at the top of her voice. Her head finding its way to his neck, snuggling deep inside of it.

He smelled really nice and it was just so crazy because he didn't use any Cologne. He had this natural scent that was really pleasing to the nose.

''Okay, okay, okay.'' Drey cooed trying to push her back a little but she didn't budge.
Instead, her grip onto him tightened.

''You know you're just trying to get your way out of this right? because I didn't even ask you to sing me a song we all used to sing when we were kids.'' He stated, looking directly into her sparkling black eyes.

''So you don't like my song?'' Jasmine asked, pulling away from him.

''I leave everything I have to sing you a song so you could stop being moody and all I get is this right? Nice.''

She was trying to guilt-trip him.

''First of all,'' Drey began, placing her hands back around him. Jasmine smiled to herself inwardly. She knew she was already having her way.

''I never said I didn't like the song,'' Drey continued.

''It's nice and all but you were yelling oh my God Jasmine let's just forget about this 'I love you' stuff already. There's really no point in continuing with the conversation.'' He finished.

''You see! Your big head didn't think about that before deciding to give me silent treatments now did it?'' Jasmine chided.

''Whatever, you win!'' Drey said in a surrendering tone.

''And just for the record, my head is not big.'' He added, causing  Jasmine gave him a smirk.

''You know it is.'' She said, still maintaining her smirking look.

''It's not,'' Drey protested further.

''It is.''

''It's not.''

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