The waves that rose and fell dispersed into crystalline foam, and she swore she noticed the fins of dolphins peeking out of the water.

"Ah, there she is. We're coming up on the village, when we land, you're going to have to be extremely quiet; everyone's likely asleep," Revali said.

Sure enough, Mipha could see that up ahead, a tiny town sat on the shores just before the sea. Everything looked so small! The houses almost looked like little toys.

The rito finally began descending, choosing a spot just in front of one of the houses that the zora princess could only assume was his.

Once Mipha felt the small thud of the landing, she could feel Revali lowering himself for her to get off. Something she'd nearly completely forgotten she'd have to do.

Mustering up all the strength and poise she could, she managed to gently slide off his back and bring herself to stand up again.

"Well, this is it. My humble abode," Revali said, keeping his voice somewhat hushed. "It's not much, but it's home."

Mipha analyzed the little house. It was quaint and simple, the complete opposite of her lavish palace a few miles under the sea.

"It's lovely," she said, a small smile spreading across her face as she watched the rito walk up the small stone steps and open the door.

"Well?" He asked after a few moments of standing with the entrance agape. "Are you going to come in or do you prefer sleeping on cobblestone streets?"

The notion took the little princess by surprise.

"Y-you want me to come in?" she stammered, watching as Revali tried his hardest to suppress making a face.

"No, I just prefer to keep the door open, so all the warmth escapes the house," he replied bluntly, before sighing again, "Of course I'm asking you to come in."

"Besides, this will help you practice walking," he added after noticing the hesitation in her face.

Through his snarky words, the rito definitely had a point. She wouldn't be able to negotiate any sort of peace not being able to move.

Taking in a deep breath, the zora managed to place a foot forward, and to her surprise, she remained upright.

But this was just one measly step. She still had stairs to climb, and likely a house to navigate.

Revali watched as the zora continued to shakily walk towards him, and he could see a sense of assuredness beginning to build with each correct move she made.

Once she'd reached the bottom of the stone stairs, he offered a wing of support.

"Not bad," he remarked, as she gratefully accepted his help heading up the steps. "Considering you've had the bottom half of a fish all your life."

For once, Mipha couldn't help but giggle softly at his joke; it wasn't condescending at all, which took her by surprise.

"Wait here, I can barely see a thing..." Revali said, hurrying to go grab something as they entered the dark house.

He returned moments later with a candle holder in his wing, the little flame allowing Mipha to see where he lived. The house was simple; it carried all one needed to get by with nothing being excessively ostentatious.

"There's an extra room over there you could stay in, just try not to break anything," he said, pointing a wing over to a small door across the room.

The moment didn't feel real. A sworn enemy of her kingdom permitting her shelter in his own home wasn't exactly something she had pictured after receiving legs.

"What's the matter?" Revali asked, after the zora simply stood there saying nothing. "Listen, at some point you're going to have to learn to-"

"No, no, it's not that..." Mipha interrupted him. "I'm just surprised you're showing me such generosity."

The rito stayed silent for a moment, blinking a few times before thinking up a response.

"It's not that big a deal, I'd do the same for just about anyone," he answered, handing the candlestick over to her.

"Tomorrow, I've got some work to do in the morning so uhm...try to lay low until I get back; understood?"

Pursing her lips together, Mipha gave him a nod of confirmation.

"Good..." Revali said, waiting a couple moments before saying anything else. "Mipha...was it?"

"Yes, that's it. And thank you...Revali," she allowed herself to smile. Despite the dim light, she could make out the rito giving her a tiny one back.

"Like I said, it's no big deal. Goodnight," he replied, shaking his head and turning on his heel as he walked back to his own room.

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