Noah stayed behind as well.

“What’s wrong?” I asked my brothers.

“I just wanted to tell you to stay next to us the entire evening.” Theo said. “I don’t trust her yet.”

“She seems nice.” I mumbled, looking toward the dining room.

“She does.” Noah agreed. “But Theo is right. Stay with us until we know for sure that she is as nice as she seems.”

I looked at my brothers and smiled.

“Okay.” I said.

Theo kissed my temple and let me go.

The three of us walked to the dining room. Everybody was already sitting down. Theo led me to my chair, and I sat down. Noah sat down to my left, and Theo sat down to my right.

“So, how did you two meet?” Matt asked, looking from Sienna to my brother.

Theo handed me a bowl of mashed potatoes, and I put some on my plate.

“Sienna became a secretary at our company a year ago.” Ezra said, smiling. “She’s been asking me out for a while. I finally said yes about a month and a half ago.”

“So you’ve only been dating for a month?” Theo asked.

“It seems a lot longer, though.” Sienna said. “We’ve been friends for a while now.”

Ezra smiled, took her hand in his, lifted it, and kissed it. A warm feeling spread through my body again. I liked seeing Ezra happy. It helped me deal with the guilt I was feeling.

“I am so happy to finally meet the only girl Ezra’s been talking about for months.” Sienna said as she looked at me.

I smiled at her.

“I would love to spend some time with you, Lucy.” Sienna said. “I would love to get to know you a little bit better. I was thinking that you and I could have a girls’ night tomorrow.”

“No.” both Noah and Theo said at the same time, making the rest of our family look at them.

Sienna’s eyes widened as she looked from me to them.

“Why not?” Ezra asked, looking from Theo to Noah.

“We don’t know her yet.” Theo said. “It’s too soon.”

“I won’t hurt her.” Sienna said quietly. “I wasn’t even thinking about going anywhere. I was thinking that we could do it here at the house.”

Theo and Noah exchanged worried looks.

“What do you say, honey?” Ezra asked, looking from my brothers to me.

I bit my lip and glanced at Theo and Noah. I knew that they were worried. I knew that they didn’t trust her yet. But I also wanted to make Ezra happy. I saw how much Sienna meant to him and I wanted to have a good relationship with her.

“Sienna and I could hang out in my room.” I said, looking at Theo and Noah. “You can check up on me as often as you want.”

I glanced at Ezra, who gave me a grateful smile.

“If you hurt her...” Theo started speaking coldly.

“I would never do that!” Sienna interrupted Theo. “Lucy is important to Ezra, and Ezra is important to me. She is his sister, and I would like to have a good relationship with her.”

I took Theo’s hand in mine, and squeezed it. He looked at me and I gave him a small smile.

“You will be in the house the whole time.” I sad quietly. “It’s going to be okay.”

Theo tightened his jaw and looked at Sienna.

“Fine.” Theo mumbled.

“You have to know that she doesn’t mean a lot to us, Sienna.” Noah added. “She means everything to us. If you hurt her, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

“She would never hurt her, Noah.” Ezra said and I could hear a hint of anger in his voice.

“You better hope that’s true, Ezra.” Theo said coldly.

I took a deep breath and pulled both of my brothers closer to me.

“It’s okay, guys.” I said softly. “Don’t scare her off, please. I need another girl in this house. I need someone on my side.”

Ezra gave me another grateful smile and winked at me.

“I will always be on your side.” Sienna said, chuckling.

I smiled at her and let my brothers go.

“Can we eat now, please?” Matt sighed. “I have a party to go to.”

Noah and Theo sighed. The rest of us laughed.

“Matt is right, guys.” grandpa said, chuckling. “I don’t have a party to go to, but I’m hungry.”

“Let’s eat!” Dylan exclaimed as he clapped his hands. “I hope that Liam won’t poison us.”

Carter and Ezra snorted. I looked at my oldest brother and saw him rolling his eyes. I smiled and shook my head.

I looked around the room and saw that Sienna was already looking at me. She looked me up and down and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked down at my plate.

I hoped that Sienna and I would have a good relationship. I wanted it because of Ezra. I wanted to make my brother happy.

Let them goМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя