"Habillez-vous, Andrea attend probablement," Get dressed, Andrea is probably waiting, I tell him, putting my hands to his bare chest to make him take a few steps back. He grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head, making me regret I said anything in the first place, he then pulls his arms through the holes and then the material over his chest and stomach.

"Alors portez-vous la chemise?" So are you wearing the shirt? He asks and I scoff as I shake my head. I am not going to dress up like one of his fangirls to his race. I am his biggest fangirl, shamelessly, but I'm not going to make it that obvious.

"Non," I answer, turning back to the mirror so I can finish putting mascara on. I watch him frown in the mirror, then he takes a step forward so he's pressed against my back.

"Pourquoi pas?" Why not? he asks, putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Vous aurez d'autres filles avec votre numéro sur leur chemise, c'est bien," You'll have other girls with your number on their shirt, it's fine, I say with a smug smile going up my lips as I watch him scoff and roll his eyes. He kisses my cheek and I almost poke my eye out with my mascara brush.

"Lando continue de te regarder, je pense qu'il a besoin d'un rappel de qui tu es petite amie," Lando keeps looking at you, I think he needs a reminder of whose girlfriend you are, he says with a chuckle as he keeps lifts his head up and turns to walk out of the room.

But I've frozen right in my spot, because what did he say? Other people call me his girlfriend, but did he just call me his girlfriend? Did he do it because he doesn't know what else to call me? Or did he do it because he actually thinks I'm his girlfriend now?

The time it takes for my answer makes him turn around. He meets my eyes in the mirror and catches me staring. I look down as I put my mascara away, but there's this huge grin that just won't stop growing on my face and there's a whole tornado in my stomach, a tornado of happy feelings just spreading through my body. It's almost like I want to jump up and down and giggle like a child.

"Lando n'a même pas traversé correctement la puberté, Je pense qu'il regarde juste parce qu'il ne sait pas d'où il me connaît," Lando didn't even go through puberty properly, I think he's just looking because he doesn't know where he knows me from, I say while I try to hide the ridiculously big smile on my face.

"Il sait d'où il te connaît, il t'a rencontré des centaines de fois," He knows where he knows you from, he's met you hundreds of times, he says and starts walking back into the room. I turn around and lean onto the sink behind me, my hands gripping the counter as I feel them start to sweat from struggling so hard to keep the excitement in.

"Je pense qu'il avait peur de moi quand nous étions plus jeunes," I think he was scared of me when we were younger, I say but my voice is almost weak, and Charles realizes because his smirk gets even bigger when he sees the control he has. He chuckles and places himself in front of me, looking down at me.

"Parce qu'il était assez petit et que tu étais très bruyant," Because he was quite small and you were very loud, he snickers, "Mais il se souvient de toi," But he remembers you.

"Peut-être qu'il regarde parce qu'il ne peut pas comprendre comment c'est la même personne," Maybe he's looking because he can't figure out how it's the same person, I shrug, making Charles laugh.

"Comment quelqu'un de si bruyant est devenu si silencieux," How someone so loud became so quiet, he laughs and I just shake my head.

"Il ne me regarde probablement même pas, tu penses trop," He probably doesn't even look at me, you think too much, I shake my head.

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