Sansa XI

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

Minor changes had been made to the arrangements in regards to the idea of Sam being left alone and whether anyone should go to Pentos. Ser Rodden had been the person to save the day, for he was to remain on Dragonstone with Samwell, and then would accompany Ranny to Pentos as they needed to have some contact with Illyrio. This was why Jon and Sansa had decided to take the egg with them which Ranny had favoured. They were hoping the magic from Old Valyria would help hatch the egg without the need for child sacrifice.

Sansa wasn't looking forward to the trip to Old Valyria. She'd heard tales of those that didn't come back, flesh eating diseases, the stone men, myths and legends which were truly terrifying. The only consolation she could find was the dragons being with them, not that they would necessarily provide protection from poisonous gases or diseases, however they would be able to protect them from catching greyscale as the dragons would destroy any unwanted people getting too close to them.

The three of them, Sansa, Jon and Ranny, bid their farewells to Sam and Rodden before setting off towards the myriad of small islands which made up of what was left of Old Valyria. The original plan was to stop off at Pentos, which was changed to Myr, but during the flight, Jon suggested they stop overnight at Lys instead as they had a few hours left of daylight. They touched down on the outskirts of the city, trying not to bring too much attention to themselves, but Drogon was hardly going to go unnoticed. When they entered the city gates, Jon was stunned by the appearance of the people around him, they all looked like Targaryens, or Valyrians, whichever way you could describe it. Some were of dark skin, but most had the telltale silver/white hair which Jon's family possessed, making him feel out of place. He felt even more out of place when the attention was turned to Ranny, who was believed to be the owner of Drogon. Jon, Sansa and Ranny didn't correct them regarding this assumption as it was felt it would be safer for them to believe their mistake for the time being. Drogon having being spotted allowed them to be found good accommodation for the night. The next morning they left, finding Drogon coming for them at the spot they had parted ways.

Drogon was in a good mood, meaning he had fed well, he also seemed excited to be going to Old Valyria, which Jon realised, wasn't his first time. Rhaenys was even more excited. The closer she got, the stronger she seemed to be. She was flying by herself and seemingly growing larger on a daily basis. Her dragonfire was powerful enough to seriously hurt or even kill someone if they got too close. Whatever the power from Old Valyria was, it seemed to fuel the power of the dragons, as they flew faster towards the doomed islands. Both Jon and Ranny were stony-faced all the way, seemingly also affected by the power emanating from the old lands. It didn't seem to take long at all to reach Old Valyria. In the centre of the largest isle was what looked like the ruins of a city with a river running through it. Before they descended, Drogon hovered in the air while Jon took the egg out of the bag which Ranny had seemed so fascinated by and handed it to her.

"It is yours." he told her as they descended to the city ruins below them.

As soon as Drogon landed, Sansa could feel there was something different about this place. The air was strange, it felt like it should burn her skin, yet it didn't. The atmosphere was heavy, as if there were a storm brewing, a mist was rising above the river. Sansa felt like an intruder, yet she could see from the looks on Jon and Ranny's faces, they felt no such qualms, instead they both looked radiant, as did Drogon and increasingly Rhaenys, who took one look at Sansa and suddenly she herself began to feel the magical pull the island seemed to be having on Jon and Ranny.

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