Sam IV

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

The return journey from Storm's End had been quieter than the one going out there. This time Sam was travelling alone. The trip was a little longer as the weather had been wet and windy which was typical because he just wanted to get home to see Gilly and the children. He had a bad feeling not all was going to be well. His mission had been a complete failure, although he suspected Bran was already aware of that fact. Not only had Arya disappeared, but so had Bronn, he had allegedly gone to look for Arya, but Sam suspected that wasn't truly the case and he was probably up to something potentially more nefarious than hunting an assassin. When he finally pulled into the gates of the red keep, he was not only exhausted, but excited to see Gilly, however upon his arrival Brienne was waiting for him. Sam managed to get out of the wheelhouse and down the steps provided and faced the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

"Ser Brienne." Sam smiled. "How can I help?"

"The King would like to see you." she replied.

"Oh yes, where is he?" Sam asked. "I'll go straight to him at once."

"He's in the small council chamber. I've been asked to escort you there myself." Brienne insisted.

"It's no problem. I know where it is." Sam offered.

"I have orders."Brienne made it clear in no uncertain terms he was going to be taken by the tall and frankly intimidating woman.

They made their way up the elevator and into the meeting room where to Sam's surprise, the King wasn't alone.

At the head was the King in his usual seat, next to him was a woman who Sam couldn't stop looking at. He'd seen beautiful women, not that he paid much attention to them, after all the most beautiful woman to him was Gilly, however this woman took his breath away. Her long silken hair hair was as black as a raven, her pale white skin had an ethereal look to it and her eyes were sapphire blue, which reminded him of the whitewalkers. She was dressed in a silver dress silk dress with lace embellishments. The only hint of colour was around her neck where she wore a silver choker with alternating sapphires emeralds, which although smaller, it was not too dissimilar to the one the Lady Melisandre wore, a reminder which immediately put him on edge.

"Your Grace." Sam bowed his head.

"Welcome home Sam, this is the Lady of Lys, our new Mistress of Whisperers." Bran introduced them.

"I've got me ball." Sam smiled, fumbling about in his pocket as he entered, before placing the ball into its dish and heading over to the beautiful woman. "Pleased to meet you Mistress Lady of Lys." he said awkwardly, not quite knowing what to call her.

"Please, call me Serenei." she smiled gracefully, unnerving Sam even more.

"Well...pleased to meet you Serenei." he nodded, sitting down. "Is it just us?" he asked.

"Bronn seems to be missing." Bran said in his monotone voice.

"My spies tell me he is heading north in search of Princess Arya." Serenei told him.

"She's gone north?" Sam frowned.

"She's gone to Winterfell." Bran told him. "However I don't want Bronn in Winterfell, I'm sending Lady Brienne to get him. Had events not have taken a turn, then I would have let him go there." he said. "But I cannot predict the actions of a dragon." he shook his head.

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