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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

White Harbour had been a pleasant change. Jon quite liked the sea air and was pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome from Lord Manderly. What he hadn't been happy about was Sansa pushing him into trying to reclaim the throne in front of Lord Manderly. He knew her motives were driven by good intentions and how she was only trying to see if they could secure alliances should Jon wish to proceed, but he really didn't want to. The main problem he had was with the prophecy itself as he had heard so much about the prophecy from Lady Melisandre, who had gotten it wrong by first believing it to be Stannis, then Jon then Dany, but not having any problem with allowing thousands to die in her pursuit for it. On the other hand, should it be true and he was the Promised Prince, it meant he had to destroy what was the great threat to Westeros, and to take the Iron Throne, therefore he would need to depose Bran. By all accounts, the Bran who sat in the seat of power was no longer his brother. The man was a stranger, possibly Brynden Rivers, or even a version of the Night King, maybe a combination of both, who knew? However, the thought of hurting the already broken body of the little boy he'd grown to view as his little brother was something which Jon found beyond abhorrent, and he wasn't sure whether he could survive having to do what would be needed of him, because whoever occupied the seat of power in the body of his younger brother was not going to hand it over willingly. Jon simply didn't want to risk the chance of Bran being returned to his body, if that was even a possibility. Not that Jon had ever put much stock in magic, despite him being brought back from the dead, having battled whitewalkers, had a magical bond with a dragon, was a warg himself and knew a greenseer. The evidence of magic and possibilities it created were mounting up, which was why Jon was going on this journey of discovery before he could be truly convinced he was doing the right thing. Unfortunately, there was no one to talk to about all of this, and for the first time, he was beginning to wish his father, his real father was alive to give him advice. Rhaegar had believed in magic and prophecy, so much so that he had set aside his family and married Lyanna, which Jon was sure his idea of prophecy was a part of. If there was any sort of magic that could let him speak to his real parents, then he would welcome it. Therefore, for the first time in his life, he was going to search for magic, because the only person, or people who could help him were dead.

Ser Davos had arrived in time for their celebration feast, but Jon and Sansa had decided to leave at first light of the following morning. Jon wanted to show Sansa Dragonstone where they would be able to have some time to themselves, even if it was only for two or three days, where there would be no interruptions, no pressures, a few days without being a King or Queen, just the two of them behaving like any other couple who had just married for love, albeit in a grander environment. Jon also wanted to explore the library once again. He was sure there would be more for him to read and study, all the while allowing Drogon to help teach the two baby dragons, who were growing at an alarming rate. The cages they were in when they took them to White Harbour were becoming too small, Jon was concerned they wouldn't be able to fit inside by the time the flew to Pentos. A small part of him hoped they'd be able to fly by then, although he was sure the dragons shouldn't be anywhere near that stage of growth. Maybe in a couple of months, but flying within three weeks of hatching seemed fast, which was the other reason why he wanted to search those records in that library, he was sure that the answers would all be there.

They climbed onto their seats on Drogon and bid their farewells to Lord Manderly, thanking him for his wonderful hospitality. Ser Davos, Tyrion and Ranny were all waving them off aboard the Mad Prendos, awaiting for a change of ship, which meant they were going to be at least three days behind them. Eventually the baby dragons were fixed to Drogon and they were ready to fly to Dragonstone, which Jon suspected would be a much faster flight this time as he was able to control him better. He also suspected there would be less people trying to kill them as nobody would be expecting them to return to Dragonstone quite so quickly.

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