Tyrion V

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

Tyrion watched on with envy as Jon ran down to thecrypts to climb on Drogon. He then turned towards the southernramparts and began to instruct the men to winch the large barrels ofoil up there, then they would be spread out among the men, withhopefully some left over for throwing over the men below, not thatany Unsullied would that close. The castle was surrounded by coveredtrenches containing chevaux-de-frise,also known as hedgehogs, which were structures made of wood in across shape with the ends of the wood being sharpened into points.Should any Unsullied try getting too close to the castle, they wouldend up impaled on spikes. A tactic which would only work for a shortperiod of time, especially if the Unsullied had trebuchets with them,which from the skies, Tyrion had seen carriages with structures whichlooked like the massively destructive weapons. Not exactly what onewould expect in a siege, but Bran claimed not to be able to see thefuture anymore, so he possibly wasn't aware of what was happening.

Tyrion had never told anyone a secret regarding his plans for the future. When he became Hand of the King, he had been wary of Bran becoming King, it was all too easy. He knew others who had voted in favour were actually against it. Sansa being the main one of the group. Everyone had wanted Jon to become King, but Jon himself had clearly not been ready for the role, whereas Bran had seemed keen on it. His plan had always been to ask Jon again in ten years time and take on Bran, that was if he didn't make a good King. Tyrion was hedging his bets, one King ready to rule, another more qualified one waiting in the wings. Men with a good sense of morality, fairness and an ability to garner support, yet on the other hand a good King should not be in love with power. Quite the contrary, he should not want the role, but feel he has no option because he is the most capable person. The man who killed Daenerys was not ready, he was still Jon Snow, the bastard of Winterfell. The man who he had witnessed riding off on Drogon, was a King, another Aegon Targaryen, hopefully one who was more capable than his more recent Targaryen predecessors. This was his real reason for helping and it had to be final, because the moment he entered into discussions with Greyworm and sided with Jon and Sansa, was the day he would become a traitor to Bran, leaving him with a price on his head. A decision which meant he was going to have to sweet talk the reluctant King into taking the Iron Throne, or what was left of the original one, in the cellar under the Red Keep.

Tyrion climbed the ladder to take in the view from the top of the battlements. He could see the Unsullied quite clearly, they were setting up tents from afar, normal practice before a battle. However, they were too far off to be forced towards the castle, which was what was needed. There was a good half a mile distance between the northern forces and the outer reaches of the Unsullied, they just needed to be pushed closer towards Winterfell, where they could rain arrows, some with fire, upon them. The Tyrion had an idea, he just needed to discuss it with Jon and Sansa.

Two hours later, Jon returned from his trip. When Tyrion joined him and Sansa. He could see Jon was clearly agitated and angry.

"What is it?" Sansa asked.

"They've got more men coming from the north-east, possibly the Dothraki. Mainly on horseback." he sighed.

"How many?" Tyrion asked.

"Only about five hundred, but that means we are still outnumbered and Davos' men will be right in their path." he rubbed his face as if deep in thought. "If we aren't careful, our men will be caught both sides."

"May I make a suggestion?" Tyrion asked.

"Anythin' is welcome right now." Jon sighed.

"Take Drogon and create a circle of fire on the outer rim of their men. You don't need to hurt a single one of them. They'll run towards the castle, keep forcing them towards the castle. The trenches will take care of some of them. Our arrows will kill many more. Take out the Dothraki, you have no loyalty to them. Only the Unsullied are paid for by the King, killing the Dothraki isn't enough to spark a war with the south."

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