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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

Jon yawned as he walked into the small council room at Winterfell to join the meeting with Sansa, Arya, Tormund and Maester Wolkan the next morning, he had to admit he was tired and sore. He'd spent the previous day with Sansa on the back of Drogon, calling the banners with the local houses, then after being discovered by Arya last night, he and Sansa had gone on to get to know one another a little more intimately, and then four more times after that. Today he was going to face a far longer dragon ride and his riding partner wasn't quite so pretty, despite also having red hair. He also felt a little guilty about not involving Tyrion in their meeting, but as Sansa pointed out, he wasn't a member of her or Jon's council, nor was he a member of the family.

"Bad night brother?" Arya asked as he walked up to the table.

"I ache from riding Drogon." Jon explained.

"Are you sure it's not from you being ridden?" Arya snorted just as Sansa walked into the room, when she immediately stopped.

"Your Grace." Maester Wolkan bowed his head, being the only one who was obliged to say it, but both Jon and Arya bowed their head to her in reverence. Even Tormund gave a slight nod.

Sansa nodded back. "Good morning. Maester Wolkan." she looked over to the Maester who pulled out an enormous map and rolled it out over the table, while Jon and Arya helped pin it down with weights.

"I've just been to see Horan. He's still warging into Ghost. He was able to come out for half an hour last night and have some food before going back with no problem. He's taking him to Eastwatch, hopefully he'll get him past the wall." Tormund told them while they straightened the map out.

"Thank you Tormund." Jon nodded. "Arya, show us how you got here."

Arya pointed to a spot on the Last River, just before the Lonely Hills. "This is where I got off two days ago." she told them. "I made my way here by stopping off at a farm around there." she pointed to an unmarked spot on the map. "Ser Davos is taking the ship as far up river as he can so that he can join the Kingsroad."

"The river narrows just before it hits the Wolfswood." Jon pointed to a point where the line representing the river began to get thinner. "He wouldn't be able to sail up there. There's a small path at the side of the river, no more than two abreast." he turned to Arya. "How many men?" he asked.

"About a hundred and twenty." Arya replied.

"Not too many then." Tormund complained.

"About thirty miles or so, they should be at the Kingsroad anytime soon." Jon agreed. "It's not like they're marching a full army. We'll look out for them as we head to Castle Black."

"How many have you raised so far?" Arya asked.

"About fifteen hundred." Sansa replied. "Plus the men here which is another two hundred. But we haven't called House's Dustin, Flint and Reed. There's nothing left of House Talhart."

"Would House's Flint and Dustin fight with us? They fought with the Bolton's." Jon asked.

"They bent the knee and pledged fealty last year." Sansa told him. "I think they owe us."

"They would take a while to get her." Jon sighed. "All of them would. We need them to gather in places where we can have them attack from both sides.

"How many Unsullied?" Tormund asked.

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