Sam VI

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

Sam hated ships, boats and anything that floated on the water, it made him sick. Even small rowing boats on lakes would be enough to make him feel nauseous. Therefore sailing from Kings Landing to Dragonstone was always going to be a hellish day of travel, no matter how good the sailing conditions were. As they rowed out, the conditions were fine, however the moment he set foot on the yacht, the winds rose, the heavens opened and Sam began to vomit. The wind and rain did not begin to abate until about an hour before they disembarked from the ship they had been travelling on. To be fair, the men had been very good to him, helping him with his tonic to settle his stomach, which for most could cure their seasickness, for Sam he only got mild relief from the symptoms. His legs were wobbly as they approached the intimidating, daunting island. In Sam's eyes it was as unpleasant as place as could be. It made the wall look picturesque in comparison. Eventually they disembarked the ship on a small man-made area port, which once housed a village which included taverns and a weathered looking abandoned inn at the end of a stone pier with a weathered looking waist high gargoyle outside, which looked as equally grim as the rest of the island.

It was at this point Sam noticed other ships were approaching the port, looking ready to dock.

"We need to make sure we're comfortable." Aelon grinned.

"Lucky Bronn was kind enough to spare some whores from one of his brothels, although I bet they were his worst ones." Jaemon laughed.

"A man will fuck 'owt when he gets desperate. Those women will make more coin here in a week than a year in Kings Landing." Aelon agreed. "What do you say Sam?"

"I'm a happily married man." Sam shrugged. "I'd never betray Gilly."

"No man is truly that honourable." Aelon smirked. "There's no shame in fucking a whore when the need arises."

"There is for me." Sam insisted. "I was a man of the Night's Watch before it was disbanded. We swore an oath there to father no children." he said, delicately remembering how he had abandoned that oath for Gilly. "I was relieved from my vows to train at the Citadel. But I was married by then. They changed the rules to let me become a Maester."

"Have you ever wondered why?" Jaemon asked.

"Because the King trusted me and believed in me . He has a special gift and he knows more than they do. So they listened and obeyed." Sam told them.

"You were given the ranking and qualified because you knew the King, not because you were better than other maesters. But he seems to think you are good at finding things that even he cannot see. So make sure his faith is not misplaced." Aelon said with a smile, although Sam knew it wasn't a compliment, it was a veiled threat.

"Let's find somewhere to sleep." Jaemon sighed as they headed over towards an old ramshackle inn which looked like it had been closed down for decades. "This will suit for tonight until we can find somewhere in the castle itself." he said.

"Why here and not there?" Sam frowned.

"The castle hasn't been slept in since Daenerys was last here. I doubt it is in much of a fit state right now. It is late and I think we should explore on the morrow." Aelon said as he managed to break down the door of the inn, which was damp and dusty, a scuttling noise suggested rats were the current residents. "This is dry and warm. It'll do for the night, unless you want to go back to the comfort of the ship." he asked Sam with a smirk.

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