Sansa X

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

Warning for descriptions of primitive makeshift amputation.

Once Sansa had finally gotten Sam settled into the bed, she set about examining his mangled hand. When practising for the battle, Maester Wolkan had shown her the signs of what to look out for, how to put on a splint and how to sew up a wound. She had dealt with enough injuries in the few hours she'd played nurse with those injured and dying during the battle to realise that three of Sam's fingers were broken, they were bent and bruised in awkward shapes. What was worse was two of them looked to be broken beyond repair. The rock had landed and stayed on top of these two fingers and they looked for all intents and purposes, like they belonged to a dead person. Even worse, she suspected they might be filled with some infection, and there was only one way to get rid of that.

"Jon." Sansa said, looking at him sadly. "I'm not a Maester, but I don't even think a Grand Maester would be able to save these two fingers." she held Sam's hand to show Jon the fingers which needed to be removed.

"What do you suggest?" Jon looked at her with trepidation.

"If we don't get rid of them, the rot will set in and spread. The further it spreads, the more we have to take off. The longer we leave it, the more quickly it spreads. If we don't do anything, he'll die." she frowned.

"How?" Jon asked.

"We need to removed the fingers using hot iron. It will burn the flesh, but prevent rot. We may need to saw through the bones, but I don't have the right equipment." Sansa told him. "I was helping Maester Wolkan do this during the battle, but I don't know the exact tools."

"Would you know them if you saw them? There is a maesters office." Jon suggested.

Sansa shook her head. "It could take too long to find the right tools. The rot has set in and will move quickly. It needs to be done now. I know what is needed, so we'll have to make do and hope it works."

"Can I help?" Jon asked.

"Heat up the poker for the fire." she took a deep breath. "And Longclaw. I'll sort out some linen from the chest." she said as Jon unsheathed Longclaw and held the blade in the fire then the poker joined it.

Sansa found some linen which was suitable and also took some wine from their trunk, she was going to use it to clean the wound. Sam had a small vial of milk of the poppy on him, which Sansa opened. Maester Wolkan had showed her what to do, so she held his nose, then poured a small amount of the liquid into Sam's mouth, Sansa closed his mouth, which forced him to swallow the liquid. Once she did that she took the laces from her breeches, then Sansa encircled each finger with two laces, wrapped tightly, just how Maester Wolkan had shown her. She place one lace on each rotting finger just below the knuckle and the other where there was still healthy flesh. She then placed his hand on a high stool, as Maester Wolkan had explained elevating it would lessen the loss of blood. This was as close to the correct method to which Sansa could use, the rest was going to be makeshift and just hope it worked.

"Jon." Sansa called out as he came over to look at her work. "I will need you to slice between these two laces. Make it as swift as you can."

"Aye." Jon's face paled.

"Then we'll need to burn the stump with the poker to stop it from bleeding. After that I'll cover it, then all we can do is hope I've caught it in time." Sansa gave him a worried look.

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