Brienne V

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

Flying on the back of a dragon had not been what Brienne had expected when she set off from Kings Landing. However, this was what she found herself doing once Jon had collected herself and Ser Rodden to take them up to the castle on Dragonstone. They landed at the gates and Jon escorted them up to the rooms where Gilly and the children were visiting an injured Sam, although Jon didn't mention what exactly was was wrong with him.

When they arrived at the chambers, not only did Brienne and Ser Rodden have a shock, but it appeared Jon wasn't entirely aware of the change in circumstances since he had left. Sansa was frantically pacing, trying to calm a clearly distressed Jonny, while little Sam was glumly looking out of the window, next door was cries coming from Gilly, but there was no sign of Sam.

"What has happened?" Jon asked.

"Thank the gods you are here." Sansa said, relief appearing on her face. "Gilly is about to have the babe. Sam is still unconscious and I'm having to look after the children. Nobody is looking after Sam."

"Does anyone know anything about giving birth?" Ser Rodden asked but Brienne, Jon and Sansa simply looked at him blankly. "Well it's a good job I do." he rolled his eyes.

"How many times have you helped birth a babe?" Brienne asked.

"Once." Ser Rodden replied. "Well twice, my mother lost the first one but was successful with my younger sister. I was there holding her hand while my father was at sea."

"How old were you?" Jon asked.

"Ten." Ser Rodden shrugged. "But as it stands, it appears I am the most qualified in this room to help Gilly give birth."

Sansa shook her head. "I think she would prefer me and Brienne to help. You can look after the children and Jon can tend to Sam. Hopefully he'll wake before the babe is born." she said.

"And who are you to give orders?" Ser Rodden frowned.

"Oh, pardon me for my lack of introductions. Your Grace, this is Ser Rodden, Ser Rodden, this is Queen Sansa of the North." Brienne said.

" Your Grace." Ser Rodden bowed his head. "I didn't know."

"You are forgiven." Sansa said. "Will you look after the children. The dragons seem to be quite happy to play with them." Sansa smiled as, for the first time, Brienne noticed the two dragons, which she had thought were statues, flap their wings.

"Won't they hurt them?" Brienne asked.

Sansa shook her head. "They are only babes themselves. The children are like playmates. That will change as they get older, and one of these dragons will soon be returning to her dragon rider." Sansa walked over to the dragons. "This one is mine." she pointed to the dark grey and white dragon. "She's called Rhaenys and the other one is Arya's and she is called Visenya." she said.

"I'll look after the little ones." Ser Rodden nodded his head, eyeing the dragons cautiously. "Whill they hurt me?" he asked.

"Only if you don't take good care of the children. Rhaenys is very fond of them and quite protective already." she smiled as Rhaenys flapped her wings, as if in agreement with Sansa's statement. "We need to help Gilly." she said. Jon and Sansa led the way, while Brienne and Ser Rodden followed them into the room where all of the noise was coming from.

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