Jon V

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Ice and Fire Novels, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon TV shows. However, I decided to have a little play around with the characters. I do not earn any money from writing these stories, it is for my entertainment and is something I like to share.

The moment Jon agreed to the marriage he regretted it. Not because he didn't want to protect Sansa, or for any selfish reason, however he had a bad feeling about it, something was going to go wrong. All of the plans he ever made went wrong, especially the big ones, and for him and Sansa, this was about as big as it could get. He had never expected to marry, he'd been raised as a bastard and wanted to ensure he never inflicted the name Snow on a child. He'd resigned himself to a lonely, childless life, which had suited him fine, until the he found out who he really was. He'd needed time to come to terms with that, however he had for the first time ever in his life, considered having a family of his own. Fate was a funny thing, clearly he was never destined to have a happy marriage with children, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to a fruitless marriage with his cousin for purely political purposes. Jon did have one reservation which needed to be addressed. However he waited until Sansa returned from alerting the septon before deciding to address them.

"What about the bedding?" Jon frowned. "Won't they be expecting a bedding?"

"I'm not a virgin." Sansa shrugged. "There would be no blood. It would be pointless. I suppose we can stay in the same bed for the night. We can catch up on what has happened in the past year and hopefully sleep off any hangovers."

Jon closed his eyes, he knew the next words were going to be the most embarrassing he ever said. "And if they want to see some evidence to suggest we did consummate the marriage?" he asked.

Sansa blushed. "I'll arrange for the grand chambers to be used. It has a four poster bed with curtains for privacy and a solar. I can wait in the solar and close the door to allow you to do what is necessary in private."

Jon held his head in his hand. "This is a bad idea."

"I don't think we have much of a choice." Sansa said sadly.

"I know." Jon agreed.

"Do you have any suitable Targaryen clothes?" Sansa asked. "A cape with your house sigil on is preferable."

Jon nodded. "I took some from Dragonstone. Don't know who they used to belong to. They're a little bit big and old. Very old, but very expensive, you'd be impressed with the stitching." he laughed.

"Why are you talking about sewing?" Sansa frowned.

"I'm nervous." Jon pushed his wine away. "I better not drink any of that if I'm to produce evidence while you're in the room next to me. I don't need anything to make that more difficult."

"I've already had a little too much." Sansa smiled. "You don't need to be embarrassed about what has to be done. We are fighting a war, but you aren't killing anyone, you aren't raping or pillaging or destroying cities. You are soiling bedclothes, nothing more." she reassured him. "For duty, the north, the freefolk and Drogon. And me." she added as there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Sansa called out and Magatha walked in.

"I've come to help you dress Your Grace." She smiled before turning to Jon and bowing her head. "Your grace." she blushed.

"I suspect it is time for me to leave." Jon shook his head. "How long do I have?" he asked.

"An hour." Sansa replied. "I've asked Maester Wolkan and Lord Tyrion to witness. I think it is for the best. Of course Magatha will also be here. Lord Tyrion will be the one to give me away as my ex-husband. Maybe you should speak to Tormund, so there is a representative of the freefolk. Then we have a southerner, a northerner, one of the freefolk, a Maester and a septon. We've even got a King and Queen to witness the wedding. No stone left unturned."

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