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Pairings: Jey Usos x Reader, Jax Teller x Reader

Featuring: Jey Usos, Y/n, Jax Teller, [Daughters name]

Summary: sometimes we can't get what we want.

WARNINGS: FLUFF, LIES, errors I missed, scheming, betrayal.

A/N: IT HAS BEEN A LONG-AWAITED UPDATE! Note ITALICS BOLD IS Y/N'S SCENE just spicing it up a bit. This is just a Jey scene the next scene will be a bit longer. Just had to give you guys something

Once [daughter's name] had fallen asleep. Jey took out his burner phone. Walking out of the cabin. Quietly shutting the door. Looking around frantically, before he quickly dialed a number. Bringing the phone up to his ear. Hearing it ring. Heart racing.

The sound of a ringtone blaring awfully loudly woke you up from your slumber. A grunt of protest left your mouth. Reaching your hand out to the nightstand. Lazily grabbing the phone

He let out a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of a familiar female voice.

"Hello," You spoke in a groggy voice.

"Hey, [your name]," Jey spoke softly.

Your eyes snapped open. You were now wide awake. Heart pounding.

"Jey, what happened?" You asked in a whisper.

"I know I said I wouldn't contact you, just in case Roman is bugging phones, but this is a burner phone, I just...I needed to talk to you, something happened," Jey spoke.

Making your heart race faster. You looked to your left to see Jax there. His arm draped around you. You delicately lifted his arm, slipping out of his embrace, you gently put his hand down on the sheets. Quietly walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

Jey heard the sound of the sheets ruffling and footsteps.

"What happened?" You asked as quietly as you can, but there was fear evident in your voice.

"It's about [daughter's name]," Jey spoke.

You felt your heart plummet. Did Roman hurt her?

"Is she okay?" You asked.

"She found out you are alive," Jey spoke. As he paced up and down the front-end patio.

"" You choked out. Panic started to kick in.

Jey let out a heavy sigh before talking. He looked around the dark fields.

"Your mother hired some pi to find you, and they found you and our twins, y/n, then daughter name, found the envelope, I don't know what to do, she wants to meet you," Jey spoke in a rush.

The sound of a long pause made Jey panic.

"Just fix it, Jey, if Roman finds out he will kill both of us and her," You demanded.

"I know, okay I will, I miss you," Jey spoke.

"I miss you too," You spoke softly. Even though you were seeing another you still did miss him, he would always hold a special place in your heart.

"I love you," He spoke again. Tears prick his eyes.

You felt tears prick your eyes.

"I miss you too," You spoke. Wiping away your fallen tears. Your eyes widen as you heard the sound of footsteps on the floorboards. Then Jax's voice.

"Y/n" Jax called out in a raspy voice from a distance. You prayed Jey didn't hear.

"I have to go," You spoke. Hanging up the phone before hearing his response.

You quickly composed yourself. Turning around to be face to face with Jax. He gave you a worried expression, noticing your teary eyes.

"Is everything okay?" He asked. You nodded your head.

"Yeah, just my mom," You lied to him. you haven't spoken to your mom in years.

Jax didn't quite believe you but he let it go. You hoped that Jey would cease [daughter's name] from finding you, you feared she may accidentally tell Roman in a fit of rage.


Jey felt hurt and rage bubble up inside of him as he lowered his phone. Tears fell from his eyes. He composed himself before going inside, when he looked at the front door he saw [daughter's name]. his heart was hammering.

"I thought you were asleep," He spoke. She smiled slightly.

"Your pacing woke me up," She spoke. Before he could respond.

"That was her wasn't it, telling you to talk me out of it?" She questioned.

"It was your father checking in on you," Jey lied. Yet she didn't fall for it.

"Don't lie Jey, I heard every word," She spoke.

"It doesn't matter, [daughters name], it's dangerous," Jey spoke.

"I heard that guy, is he the one in the pictures," She spoke again. Trying to gain a reaction. she needed to motivate him.

"Leave it," Jey growled. Jaw clenching. [Daughters name] smiled.

"Please Jey, you can take back what's yours, Mom, you, me, and the twins and grandma," She spoke, walking up to him. Grabbing a hold of his hands. Jey stared at her.

Jey smiled slightly. The thought of you with him made his blood boil, you should be with him.

"There's something about your grandma you should know about?" Jey spoke. [Daughter's name} looked at him with concern. He wasn't going to tell her he killed her though.

"She is dead," Jey spoke. Tears fell from [daughter's name} eyes.

"What?" She gasped out.

"Roman killed her," Jey lied. Her sad expression turned into a look of anger.

"Then that's plenty of reasons to go to her, to run away, to start new, if he finds her before we do then he will end her, he will kill her as he did with grandma, and we can't trust that biker dude she is getting cozy with he wouldn't think twice about giving her up if Roman offered them a deal," She spoke.

"We have to do this secretively, tell no one, and you have to follow me, no disobeying," Jey spoke. [Daughter's name] nodded her head.

"Thank you," She spoke, voice cracking. She let go of Jey's hands and wrapped her arms around him. Burying her face in his chest. Jey wrapped his arms around her. Closing his eyes and hugging her tight.


Who wants a Christmas special of this series?

Lowkey realized I had a request for jax in xmas bingo so...???????????

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