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WARNINGS: sexual references, fluff, carnivals, nose bleeds, mentions of roman, errors I missed.

Dread stirred up inside of you as you felt the hairs on your nape stand up. Skin feeling icy cold. You felt like someone was watching you. Your eyes snapped open. Seeing Roman standing above you.

You let out a gasp. Trying to move away. But he pounced on you. Straddling your waist as his hands clasped around your throat. Tightening his hold as he choked you. You tried to get him off of you by grabbing his hands. Gasping for air.

"Did you really think that stunt would fly?" Roman roared out.

"You can't escape me bitch," Roman growled out. Rage in his eyes.

In a desperate attempt to get him off of you, you balled your fist and punched him in hard in the nose. Causing blood to rush out of his nose. A gasp of pain escaped his mouth.

Though another sound of a female gasping in pain invaded your dreams. You were slowly brought out of your dream state. Eyes fluttering opened.

You sat up with a gasp. Body dripping with sweat. Your eyes focused on your friend, who has clutched her nose. Groaning in pain. Blood pouring out of it

"I'm sorry, f/n" You gasped out. Throwing the covers back and getting out of bed. You grabbed a clean washcloth that was neatly folded on the dresser draw. Going over to her.

"Girl you have a mean right hook," She gasped out, as you pressed the washcloth underneath her nose. Stopping the blood from falling on the ground or her clothes. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Here, let me look at it," You spoke. Guiding her towards the edge of the bed. She sat down. Sitting up straight. Pinching the bridge of her nose for ten minutes.

"Want to talk about it?" She asked. Making you let out a heavy sigh.

"It's just a nightmare," You responded. You didn't want to bring her into your drama.

"Y/n you can tell me what happened, you were screaming, did Roman hurt you? Did he abuse you?" She asked as you gulped.

"It's better if you didn't know," Yo0u responded.

"Well you are living with me so, I deserve to know," She spoke in an irritated tone. You took the washcloth away from her nose. Noticing it wasn't bleeding any more.

You let out a sigh. Cupping her cheeks.

"The less you know about my past and Roman the better," You spoke softly. Eyes searching hers. She gave you a pained smile.

"You don't have to hold anything back from me you know that. But I understand," She spoke. Making you smile.

"I'm going to get an icepack for your nose," You spoke. Placing the washcloth on her lap, before you left to go to the kitchen.

You opened the freezer, grabbing an icepack, then a towel. Wrapping the towel around the icepack.

You took a deep breath. Pushing Roman out of your mind. Before you went back to her.

Handing her the ice pack. She pressed it on the bridge of her nose.

"Hey, do you want to go to this carnival today?" She asked. Making you arch your eyebrow at her. Looking at her nose.

Your friend noticed you looking at her nose.

"What, I'll tell them I ran into the wall while I was drunk, plus I like the sympathetic looks I get when I'm injured, " She spoke. You rolled your eyes. At how she hasn't changed at all.

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