Chapter Eight : Fights

Start from the beginning

"I'm not as naive as I was when we dated." I told him as I used all the force I had to push him away.

"That may be true, but your still as weak."

And Trevor easily over powered me again and this time he brought his lips to mine.

He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his torso. I used my hands to keep a distance between our lips.

"McKenna." Trevor said my name, making shivers run down my back. "I thought you told me that you loved me?"

Was he really bringing this up again?

"That was when I was stupid and didn't realize you were only using me." I shouted.

It was a bit hard for me to talk about this since I was a bit scarred emotionally and mentally from our relationship.

"Nah. Your promised me forever babe." Trevor placed me down on a bed?

Where is Jett? Where is that man when I need him.

"And you know it since you gave me your virginity." I gasped in disbelief at him.

"Gave it to you? More like you took advantage of me when I was depressed over my mothers death!"

I could still perfectly recall the moment in which he comforted me and offered to help me in anyway.

"You did give it to me McKenna." He paused as he pinned my arms over my head.

And that's when I saw familiar handcuffs that he'd always use on me.

"You told me to make you feel loved. Since your mother died, you said you felt alone and I told you that you'd never feel alone." He paused and I knew he was right. "And it started with the kiss you gave me."

He was correct. Trevor finally made me realize the fact that it was not entirely his fault since I wanted a distraction from reality.

Even after a year, I'm still hung up over it. Which means that I'm going to have to accept the fact and move on because you can't change the past but you can change the future.

"Trevor." I said. "Kiss me."

And he didn't hesitate to do so. But when he did, I didn't feel anything.

No sparks.

No love?

Those things, only Jett had.

I forgot about Trevor's kiss.

"Stop." I said, but he didn't.

Instead he kept going. Trailing kisses down my stomach making me uncomfortable. His touch burned me.

"Get off!" I shouted while I kicked him. "Get off of me!"

And Trevor did. He fell off of me when I kicked him for the last time.

"McKenna." I heard a voice shout and I cover my head.

"Please don't." I whispered in response.

I didn't want anyone to touch me at this moment. Anyone who wasn't Jett.

"McKenna!" I heard someone yell at me as they grabbed my wrists.

"No!" I shouted back as I tried to release his hands.

"McKenna!" This time I blinked as I looked up.

It was Jett.

"Jett." I breathe out.

My eyes instantly went to our surroundings. When I saw that I was in Jett's bedroom I felt relief.

"Fuck." Jett said. "You had me worried sick McKenna!"

The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now