Riot II (16)

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It was 2:30pm and you was walking towards Lapis's office to inform her about Jeff until you got a unknown phone call.

"Hello? Who's this?" you asked.

"Liu! Listen you must've heard about the riot right? The fact that you found your two patients besides Jeff?" Liu spoke and asked through the phone.

"Liu! Uhm- and yeah Jeff isn't here. How did you know about that and my other two patients?"

"Listen if you come home, you will understand everything, I promise."

"This is my job, Liu. You are risking my job here."

"It's your job or Jeff," he stated.

"What?! Okay- I'll be home soon!"

"Thank yo-"

You declined the phone call and saved his number. After that, you got into your car and drove home.


You entered through your front door to appear a certain stalking, blood-smile man with his stranger danger brother.

"Jeff? Liu? How?" you asked, not knowing what to say.

"There's my psychiatrist!" Jeff turned towards me with a smile.

"Jeff?! What? No! You can't be here! You have to go back!" you yelled. You loved the fact your criminal was home, but Jeff needed to return.

"What?! No! Do you understand what it was like in there?!"

"Jeff! You can just stay with me," Liu cut in.

You shouted before Jeff left, "Why do you always do this?! Honestly Jeff!"

Reader's POV

I watched Liu leave with Jeff in disbelief. I wanted Jeff to stay, but I could risk my job and Jeff was going to get better in the hospital.

I heard my phone ring. It was Lapis. Shit.

Instead of answering, I got in my car and drove there by myself. I thought while I was in the car and I had a idea to just let Jeff run free to face the consequences of getting caught.

I traipsed inside of the hospital and perambulated towards Lapis's office. As expected, I saw my kindergarten friend sitting down in her chair in thought until she turned to me.

"Where have you been? Don't tell me you thought the riot and me being your childhood friend would be a excuse to skip work?!"

"No- of course not! I couldn't find Jeffrey Woods so I tried seeing if he ran away somewhere," I explained.

"Hm! Fine.. I'll believe you. Is he not in the hospital?"

"Nope! I looked everywhere he could've been."

"Damn.. I'll get the police on to him. He must've escaped during the riot."

I wondered for a few seconds before asking, "How did the riot even start?"

"Uhm- well.. I'm not sure-"


"Okay! Fine, fine! I gave a patient their friend's keycard-"

"Why?! You're the owner of the hospital! Aren't you meant to be more responsible?!"

I was still mad at the fact the riot even started since that was Liu's one chance to allow Jeff to escape.

"Uhm- a guy.. with short, brown hair came from a window! I couldn't see his face, but- he threatened me into allowing a patient named Lewis Thomson see his friend named Carter Jefferson."

God damn Liu.. how couldn't I have matched the pieces into realising Liu would've started the riot by threatening a vulnerable woman like Lapis.

"Oh- I'm sorry.. must've been scary.." I replied in a awkward tone.

"It was horrifying! I cant believe I let myself loose like that.. anyway! You get back to work with Damian!"

"I can't- y'know it's illegal! You're wasting my time as a psychiatrist!"

"Oh.. uh right! Y/N.. I just don't know what to do anymore! There was just a riot, two patients with Münchausen's syndrome and a patient who's escaped!" she complained.

"Well.. first, tell the police about the two patients with Münchausen's syndrome!"

"Thank you! I didn't actually know the syndrome was illegal.. I don't even know how to run a hospital anymore!"

I sighed, "It's okay not to know things, but now you know so use that knowledge! I'll be seeing Damian now, bye!"



You walked down the hallway towards the men's corridor to where you'd be seeing Damian for the last time.

You got your keycard out of your pocket and swiftly swiped it across to smoothly open the door.

"Hey.. my faking, psychopath patient!" you announced yourself entering to see Damian watching outside his window again.

His head turned towards you, "Oh! Hello my delightful doctor!"

"Psychiatrist, but anyway I have amazing news!"

"Uh?" he glared at you hesitantly, "That sounds particularly ominous, but go ahead."

"You're going to prison! Isn't this exciting?!" your eyes widen with vivid sarcasm.

"What? Oh-" he looked down, slightly unsure.

"Well- what? What's wrong? Didn't you expect this?"

"Yeah.. I guess I did.."

You glanced at his pale face with his fluffy, dyed red hair.

"What is it?" you asked, puzzled.

"Nothing.. I just thought I could've escaped during the riot. Or be forgiven by that Miss Lapinton woman-"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know- my syndrome is genetic. My brother has it too from my mother. I kind of regret doing it even though it began from when I was 7 to try and skip school."

"Oh.." you replied, not knowing what to say. You kind of felt bad, honestly. It's not like it's something he could control over himself if it's genetic in some sort of way. "Hey, I'll ask Lapis to try and ask to make your prison years shorter. It may not work though."

"Thank you. I think I'm starting to like you," Damian said softly. He looked at me with his honey eyes before hugging me.

"Uhm-?" you wasn't so used to hugging patients before. This was possibly your first time doing it.

As soon as you hesitated, Damian let go. "Sorry Miss L/N," he said. He sounded a lot like he meant in. Gosh, he was so different towards you now to when you first met him.

"No, it's okay!" you replied before hugging Damian back.

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