A Scripted Plan (8)

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The next day, your friends met again at your home to make a plan of committing Jeff to his crimes.

On the floor, Sydney was writing down all the ideas in note form while you was watching intently while listening to music and Owen was chewing loudly in purpose.

• Make a phone call to the police
• Admit the truth to them
• Bait Jeff towards the police station

• Walk to the police station
• Tell them all the events that's happened
• Show evidence and proof

"Hmmm.. I think B makes more sense. A is too risky." Owen said.

"Yeah true because how are we meant to bait him. With Y/N? Too risky and we are only teenagers doing this on our own." Sid replied.

"I'm worried to show them the note though and what if something happens since Jeff hasn't been caught for 4 years yet."

"For real. Okay let's go," Owen got up from the floor.

"Wait-! Now?! It's literally 9pm," Sydney and you said in chorus.

"Are you joking?" Sidney asked.

"It's so much more fun to do it in the dark though.. and the police station is still open."

"Ugh.." Sydney sighed.


After a while, Owen with Sydney and you ran towards the police station while you all were giggling.

In the police station, Owen placed down the note of Jeff's writing.

"Uh- what's this, sir?" the police woman asked at the front desk.


Sydney interrupted, "It's all the evidence we have for showing you our friend Y/N has had connections with Jeff the killer and wants to rename him as a inmate."

"Little girl it's 9pm and we close at 9:30. And how do I know you teenagers aren't making a joke of this?"

"Well excuse me ma'am, but if you was doing your job properly you would see that we have come for a reason and want investigators involved so basically detectives. By the way, maybe if you traced the finger prints and could find any type of Jeffrey Woods writing of when he was younger you could find a relation." Owen retorted.

The room stayed silent and the woman officer stood up and looked Owen in the eye, "I'll see what I can do for you then." As she took the note and tucked it in the shirt pocket. "Now, get lost."

Without another word, you all walked the opposite direction through out the doors.

"Wait! Y/N was it?"

You turned around to match eyes with the police woman once again. "Yes?"

"If we find the correct evidence and find relations we will call you in tomorrow with a meeting with some of my fellow officers."



After me, Owen and Sydney returned to my place we decided to have a sleep over. Owen made a fort out of blankets and pillows with 3 beds made in between.

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