Long Time No Meet (14)

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Once again, you arrived at work slightly earlier. Today you was meeting Chaos Ambrose, whom had a eating disorder and panic disorder. She was 19 and supposed to be in a psychiatric ward.

You walked towards the left corridor to see odd numbers on them for the girls. You heard some banging from other psychotic patient's rooms, but tried to ignore it as you put in your keycard to meet Chaos.

As you entered, you saw a pale, thin girl with messy, dirty blonde hair sitting on a similar bed. She had slightly dark eye bags with bright pink lips and a button nose.

"Hello? Chaos?"

"Hello..are you my new psychiatrist?" Chaos asked. Her voice was slightly high and she sounded very shy.

"Mhm! I have a clipboard of all of your mental illnesses and I'm going to try to prescribe the right medication!" you felt so awkward with her. You tried to sound polite and friendly.

"Oh.. I don't know if I need medication for a eating disorder.."

"Not really- but you may need some for your panic disorder. You can be helped with therapy, which you already have and medicines."

"Okay.. what medicines can help me?"

"Well first can you describe them for me? How bad are the panic attacks, sweetie?"

She stated, "Uhm.. it's like a painful and ugly throb in your heart. I don't sweat when I get them, but I do shake a awful lot."

"Do you have psychotherapy? It's the best one for panic disorders."


"Oh well.. I will ask for a psychotherapist for you. I believe you have paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, which is episodes of rapid heart beats."

"Yes.. yes! I think I might have.. well whatever you just said!" she started to sound more comfortable.

"Now.. I could give you benzodiazepines. It's a drug that reduces seizures, produce sedation and hypnosis, relieves anxiety and muscles spams-"

"I'll take it! I'll take it!" she replied. She sounded almost happy to have a medication for her disorder.

"Do you now want to talk about your eating disorders?"

You prescribed Chaos with benzodiazepine and talked to her about her eating disorders. Anorexia is the hardest eating disorder to treat unlike binge eating. Luckily, you managed to get her CBT, SSCM and MANTRA therapy to provide with advice to help her. You've also given her marinol to treat nausea from anorexia.


Reader's POV

I finished early for the day since I've helped Chaos with her medication. Unfortunately, I didn't ask about who I'm seeing tomorrow, but I know it's a male for sure.

I shut my car door softly and walked down a road towards my house. As I walked, I felt a uncomfortable sense. It was similar to when I was being stalked by Jeff, but definitely a lot different. The environment wasn't the same. It felt like a mixture of paranoia and anxiety.

I continued walking home until I reached my house. "Mom?" I called out to wonder if she was home, but nope. No answer.

After I got comfortable and sat in my living room, I suddenly got a group call from Sydney and Owen.


Owen: Oh my god! Hi Y/N! Hi Sydney!

Sydney: We haven't all spoke in ages! I miss you guys! What happened to us?

Y/N: For real! How's the modelling coming along Sydney?

Sydney: I'm in the local newspaper and I'm on google!

Owen: Whoo Whoo! We should hang some time! I'm still studying and oh my god it's so hard! I have like 50 papers in-front of me!

Y/N: That's why I decided to be a psychiatrist! Oh my god- and Jeff is my patient!

Sydney: Wait what?! Jeff? Oh my god I forgot about him! 11th grade was crazy!

Owen: Literal soulmates! Is he okay?

Y/N: So he has visual and auditory hallucinations and multiple disorders.. also we was about to kiss!

Owen: About to? What happened?!

Sydney: I believe I'm the only one caring about his disorders here.

Y/N: I made a friend named Emaan who's another psychiatrist in the hospital. She has a brother who's a counsellor. Emaan is the one who interrupted our kiss!

Owen: I hate whoever that girl is. Don't drop us for her!

Sydney: For real, who interrupts two soulmates kissing! By the way.. I got a body guard now! For my acting! And I got a role in a movie as a moody teenager!

Y/N: Ahh! This is so exciting! The moody teenage thing would be such a good role for you, Sid!

Owen: Have you got a girlfriend yet?

Sydney: Hmm.. no. Although there's a really cute girl I'm working with!

Owen: Oooo! Either soulmates or platonic soulmates!

Y/N: For real! Should we meet up on Friday?

Sydney: Hmm.. yeah I think I can be free at 5pm!

Owen: Sounds good!



After group calling with Sid and Owen, you decided to go to sleep. Although, while you opened your bedroom door, you saw something peculiar.

You glanced at your window to notice it being 10cm opened upwards. Last night, you was sure it was shut. It may be spring, but it's still cold outside for you and you wouldn't have left it opened like that at all.

You stepped slowly (step-by-step) towards your square, slightly rectangular window. You lifted it upwards and glared outside to make sure nothing was there.

You had a few flash blacks to when this happened in 11th grade when your criminal was stalking you every night and tapping on your window until a Jeffrey Woods appeared.

Like all scenarios, nothing was outside nor watching you. You pushed your window downwards and made sure it was doubled locked this time.

After the wasted time, you climbed back into bed after getting into your f/c, favourite and long t-shirts like any other night before falling into a deep slumber.

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