Bipolar News (9)

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Reader's POV

It was a Thursday afternoon when I awoke with Owen and Sydney for it to be 1:43pm. I had breakfast with them and suddenly we heard a knocking on the front door.

"I'll get it!" Owen rushed to the front door excitedly.

Me and Sydney walked slowly behind Owen as he opened the door. Two officers, with the American flag on their police jackets, appeared.

"We are looking for 3 teenagers, who stated they saw Jeffrey Woods publicly and showed proof to a front office officer."

"That's us!" we all said.



You, Owen and Sydney arrived at the police station and had to stand in a empty room with a dark green carpet with a plain, white table and two chairs on opposite sides.

"Now.. who was it that actually has happened to have a verbal conversation with Jeffrey Woods?"

"That would be me, sir," you stated.

Owen and Sydney had to leave the room with you staying alone with the male, police officer.

"Now thanks to you, your male friend.. Owen right?" the officer asked as you nodded. "Well he did us a huge favour since we did trace the finger prints on the note, ignoring your friends and your ones to find a finger officially connecting to Jeffrey Woods."

"T-thats brilliant! Oh my god, I'm so glad!" you stuttered in surprise with the good news.

"Although, there is bad news. We haven't yet caught him, but have out more police cars around the area along with CCTV cameras."

"That's good," you looked down when the officer continued to speak.

"Now, we will be needing to ask you a few questions about your verbal contact with Jeffrey."

"Okay, I'm okay with that sir. I think I'm ready." you breathed slowly.

"Alright, how did you two become in contact in the first place?"

"Well every three nights before Halloween, I heard knocking or this sought of tapping on my window. Nothing ever came of it and me and my mother even checked outside.
Until one night it happened again, but it was different." you stated while still looking down at your hands. "I heard a voice behind me and he arrived behind my back. No weapons or any signs that he wanted to hurt me, I don't think he did." Slight lie.

"Did he ever try to hurt you?"

"No sir." you shook your head.

"Alright well, why would you turn him in if he never tried to hurt you?" the officer glared at me.

"Uhm.. so when I received a letter from him when I was out on Halloween, I heard it from my mom and fainted from shock. He was saying how he was going to get revenge on me with blood coated writing, you know that letter."


"Well two days before then, we was going to go out together when it was dark so no one could see him. It was completely fine, but then he asked me to go on a killing spree with him and I refused. I had a family and friends that I didn't want to mess up."

"Understandable, is this why you wanted to tell the police about him?"

"Yes, he was stalking me before all of this and even the first conversation. He knew all my personal life. I had to talk to the police."

"Do you think he wrote that letter because he was mad?"

"Yes and don't get me wrong, I don't know Jeff at all, but I believe he wanted a close friend by his side."

"Alright, your time is up. I believe when we find him we will question him about all of this. You may go now miss."


You walked outside to find Sydney and Owen sitting down with worried faces. As soon as they noticed you they ran up to hug you.

"Oh my god you're okay!" Sydney cried.

"Uh yeah- I was just talking to a police officer." you gave them weird glances.

"Oh right.." Owen and Sydney said and they pulled back.

"Is something wrong?" you asked.

"Uh so- there's news they found a location of Jeff and managed to catch him on camera." Owen stated.

"That fast?!" you yelled with a few concerned glances of surrounding officers.

"Well I guess we'll be called in by tomorrow it seems." Owen replied.

Sydney's POV

Me, Owen and Y/N went to Owen's place to gossip to his mother and Mabel about the news.

"More police?" Y/N asked as I looked ahead we saw police cutting a area of with that yellow and black duck tape.

"Uh sir, what's this about?" Owen asked as he walked up to the police. "This is almost cutting of the whole of the flats entrance."

"Do you live here, sir?" a feminine police officer asked.

"Mhm.." Owen replied while nodding his head.

The police officer whispered towards us, "Well nobody is meant to know if they ain't from this flat so basically a 24 year old man committed suicide from the 8th floor at 9am this morning."

"What.. oh my god," Owen went as pale as a ghost as he ran upstairs with me and Y/N following.

He rushed into his flat and right into Julian's room.

"Was it him?" Owen asked.

In Julian's room was Julian and Mabel crying with bloodshot eyes. Owen sat down on the bed while me and Y/N watched.

Julian sniffed, "Yeah bro, but I don't think he would.. have done that shit. He only young and was always happy around me man!"

"He was like my.. older cousin or brother.. Owen, what's going to happen?" Mabel asked through tears.

"I don't know.. is there going to be a funeral Jul?"

"Bro, it's too quick to say that!" Julian raised his voice. "I don't even believe he's dead."

I glared at Y/N awkwardly while fiddling with my fingers.

"Uh- would it be disrespectful if i was to make a theory it wasn't suicide, but murder?" Y/N asked.

I glared at her then softly hit her on the shoulder and whispered, "Girl you can't say that when he just died!"

"I don't even know anymore.. it would make me feel better if I'd known it was murder." Julian sighed.

"Cant we investigate it?" Y/N asked.

"Do we look like police to you?!" Owen yelled.

Suddenly Y/N's phone rang, it was a unknown number.

"Hello? Who are you?" Y/N put it on speaker.

"Hello, this is a call from the police station. We have caught Jeffrey Woods and would like to know if you could come in for a meeting."

"Yes, I'll be there!" Y/N panicked as she declined the call.

"Shit.." Owen whispered.

"Go," Julian stated. "It'll be okay. Just don't do anything stupid. You're teenagers."

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