Halloween II (7)

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Reader's POV

- Outside, the streets -


I walked along the road with Sid and Owen by my side, while we walked past the River Twile, holding hands.

"There is a lot of houses around this area guys," Owen started to speak.

"Oh hell no! Not in Abby Bay! You remember in 2019 when there was that killer clown night and down near the park- two men got murdered!" Sid shook her head in displeasure.

While the two friends of mine argued, I looked around carefully.

Sydney's POV

Honestly, what does Owen not get? There was a night when two men in 2019 got murdered by two killer clowns on a night of Friday 13th with a chainsaw and a hammer. That's why the Gothetics Circus shut down in 2021 after finding 4 other victims dead, 5 injured and 17 witnesses. I know Owen is addicted with criminology and murder like Y/N, but this crosses the line.

I was there. Me and my older cousin (Sadie) was walking back home from a park (the exact park me and Y/N just met in) when suddenly a man wearing a clown mask and costume ambled right past us. Luckily, he did nothing to us besides walk past us, but it was still a traumatising event for me.


"Ugh! Fine! We won't go, but that's only because you're a amazing gothic. How about we go somewhere where no one has been traumatised yet? Y/N?" Owen complained.

Sid jumped in the air then started doing a silly dance and ran to hug Owen.


You all went around a few houses and flats. It was mostly fun when the bowls of candy was outside their houses so you could all 'steal' it.

You walked around the city with Owen and Sydney while going into shops and arcades when suddenly your phone starting beeping.


Mom: Hello dear, I hope you are having a fun time.

Y/N: Oh! Hi mom! I'm just walking around shops and arcades with Owen and Sid.

Owen and Sid (in background): Hii Y/N's mom! Y/N has stole cand-!

Y/N: Mom ignore them, I have no idea what they are going on about!

Mom: Mhm.. anyway! It's glad to see you're having fun- but uh- I had a strange, unknown person come to our house. I was looking through the kitchen windows thinking it was a trick or treater, but instead of knocking or ringing- they left a note labelled for you? It has- fake blood? ..on it.

Y/N: Uh- uhm. Just leave it by my bed mom! Uh- it's just a prank from school friends!


Reader's POV

I quickly hung up the phone on mom. Jeff. It definitely was him. I panicked since I knew I needed to get home.

Owen questioned, "Hey..? You okay?"

"Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N?Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N?..

I started feeling like throwing up, but sick at the same time with a knot in between my stomach and intestines.

..Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N?"

The next thing I knew, I passed out of either home sickness or because of Jeff in general.


"Ah!" You gasped as you open your eyes slowly. You was at home, in bed. You looked around until you noticed the door opening with two blurry figures coming through the door.

"Eee! You're awake!" Sydney ran up to you and hugged you gently.

"Yay! Wakey-Wakey!" Owen ran up to the other side of the bed to hug you.

Turns out you became unconscious of a sickness of unpleasantness. Probably because of the phone call.

"Wanna explain? This!" Sydney shoved the letter in your face written by Jeff.

' People who hurt me. GET REVENGE Y/N. '

You sat up and looked at Owen and Sydney scared. They both hugged you to comfort, but still wanted a explanation.

Owen's POV

I sat on Y/N's bed with Y/N and Sydney wanting an explanation for the eerie letter sent by a stranger Y/N's mother witnessed.

It took a few minutes for Y/N to remember and calm down her heightened emotions. Me and Sydney listened carefully to the story..


One night after a nice, warm bath Y/N was about to go to sleep until she heard a knock on her window. This happened for the next two nights with nothing to come by, even if Y/N and her mother went to check outside.

Until one night, when it happened again. Although, this time was very different with a unknown, pale, white-faced man arriving behind her. She was panicked to look at his blood-red, carved out smile with his burnt- out, black hair.

The 'man' was named Jeff, whom was the one to be the serial killer in Y/N's home town. He was a wanted man by the police and had a slight mystery background nobody had answers too. Some say he was a natural psycho, maybe raised wrong. Some say he wasn't born into a psychotic man's body, just harmed into it.

He may have had the outline of a psychotic man, who seemed like he escaped a psychiatric hospital, but in reality to Y/N's point of view he didn't kill. He just hung around her. Said to have a killer's instinct, but nor took her as a hostage or victim. Just a hidden friend.

3rd person

The two friend listened closely with surprised faces. It was silent for about 3 minutes until a hyper Owen spoke up.

"There's no way-! Jeff the fucking killer?! Oh my god! Girl get yo man right now! I'm a fan-"

"What the actual fuck Owen?! Jeff is a wanted man who may or may not be stalking our dear Y/N! We should either call the police or protect her." Sid interrupted.

Owen cried, "Uh-! No police until I get his autograph. Is he hot?!"


"Oh my god. Owen?! She's uncomfortable! We should be talking her into calling the police instead of trying to find his location for a fucking autograph?!" Sydney glared at Owen.

"Oh hell no! Do you know how much I've trained to meet a serial killer-!" Owen locked eyes with Sydney.

"No one gives a fuck about your fan- fanboying over that crusty, smiley man!"

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me! Owen!"

"He's actually hot for your information! I have a picture of a security camera with his blood-coated hood- just wait I'll find it-!"

"Hahaha- hahahaha!"

"Uh?" Owen and Sydney looked down at
Y/N giggling in the middle of the two. Suddenly they all started laughing until they all calmed down.

"I've got a idea actually-" Y/N spoke.

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