Twisted Reality (11)

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You woke up early that morning and had a quick shower. You ate breakfast and lunch before rushing out towards the police station.

"Where is he?!" you yelled as you quickly ran down the halls into Jeff's cell room.

"Miss, you can't be here without permission!" a male police officer shouted as he noticed you running towards Jeff's cell.

You bursted through the door before quickly running up to Jeff beyond the metal bars splitting the distance of you two.

"Jeff! I'm sorry! I didn't know!"

"Hmm? Oh! Hahaha! Now you're sorry?! Now?! It's too late Y/N!" Jeff replied while laughing and slightly mocking you.

"Ugh!" you wanted to pull down the bars.

"Okay- if anything that's not going to work. Listen, I'm being transferred today-"

You interrupted, "No! I'll get to you- I promise!"

"Y/N! There isn't time! Look- the police are coming, but I swear I'll be back for my revenge," he whispered into your ear.

"Jeff! No!" you kept hitting the bars. "I want to be with you!"

"You what-?"

"I want to take my time to apologise- I swear- I'll find you ag-"

Suddenly, three police men grab your arms and took you away. You kept screaming for Jeff until he was completely out of your sight.


Later that day, it was night time at exactly 10pm. You was scrolling on your phone.

"Honey!? Come down stairs!"

As soon as you heard your mom call, you rushed down the stairs in panic. "Mum?" you asked as you saw your mom watching the TV in shock.

"The news! He escaped!"

"What?! Jeff? Really?!" you screamed.

You ran upstairs and opened your window as quickly as possible hoping to see him appear.

Suddenly, a man with bright orange clothing hopped onto your roof. Jeff!

"Jeff-" you started to speak as you felt the criminals lips on yours-

Reader's POV


I suddenly awoke with deep breathing and sweating. You quickly glanced out of your window to notice nothing was there.

"It was a dream?!-"

Your question got interrupted by a phone call of Owen.


You pressed the green button on your phone to answer his call.


Owen: "Hey Y/N! I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. I noticed I may have been quite rude lat-"

Y/N: "Oh my god! Owen, hi! Uhm- was- was there any news of Jeff escaping jail?!"

Owen: "Uh- I hope not. Let me check."

2 minutes later..

Owen: "Uh- no? Are you okay- you sound.. quite bad? Paranoid?"

Y/N: "Uh- no just bad dreams! Anyway- you know Jeff is being transferred today, right?"

Owen: "Mhm.. I wish I didn't- but I kind of feel bad- you know his origin story and stuff, right?"

Y/N: "Yeah- I actually visited him today- although, I kinda bursted through the police station.."

Owen: "Oh my god! Really? That's so funny! What did you and Jeff talk about?"

Y/N: "Hmm.. nothing much- I- I just kind of regret it.. sending him in."

Owen: "Now- at this point, I would completely judge you, but I guess I'm cool with it now. I mean yeah he killed my best friend- well Julian's- but I'm over it. Don't tell Julian though."

Y/N: "Oh- don't worry I won't- anyway what was you going to say?"

Owen: "Well- I was thinking we could go out since I'm been kinda bitchy over Oscar and stuff. I literally snapped at you bro!"

Y/N: "Sure!"


- Outside, the streets -

After some time, you finally met with Owen. It was already 20 minutes gone. You went to the shops and went to 2 parks.

"Okay- this could be stupid, but do you want to see Jeff one more time?" Owen asked.

"Hmm.. I don't even know if I'm allowed in. Oh well, let's try!"

After 5 minutes, you and Owen finally reached the police station. You looked out, confused by what you saw.

"Oh my god.. no," Owen said in displeasure.

"Jeff?!" you suddenly saw a figure with raven, black hair in a neon, orange suit with hand cuffs walked out with police putting him into another vehicle. "Jeff!" you screamed hoping he could hear you.

Jeff suddenly paused in his tracks to watch you run towards him with Owen.

Jeff's POV

Y/N? I wondered as I saw my favourite girl sprinting towards me with saddened e/c eyes.

"Hello sweet heart," I said as I felt a slap hit me hard on my face.

The police officers was giving eye signals allowing me and y/n to talk for a while. I touched my face towards where she slapped me.

"Oh- my god- I'm sorry! I'm mad! I cant believe this is happening because of me," she said as her eyes starting to swell with tears.

"Shh.. hey- uh- I will find you again. You don't need to worry. I will find a way to stay by your side again. I promise! These morons won't separate me from you!"

She put her hands on my face before hugging me tightly. "Jeff.."

I saw Owen watching us from afar as he started coming closer. I had no words for him.

"Oi! Times up! Let's go inmate!"

I felt my body being dragged by two police officers as I saw Owen grab Y/N in time before she ran to me.

"Jeff! I love you!"

I smiled while not facing her before groaning with pain from the tight handcuffs.

I heard my name being yelled with tears before feeling the vehicle drive me away from my dear Y/N.


I think half a hour passed and we arrived at the mental hospital. The back of the police car's boot opened to appear fresh air with the two annoying, aggressive police officers in the way.

I felt more anger arising to know I was further away from my Y/N. These bastards and morons will never understand what it's like to be abused in a cell with eye straining walls then being transferred away from your fiancé.

Criminal (Jeff the killer x Girl Reader)Where stories live. Discover now