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"Wow!" Enya sat up looking out the window at my grandparents house

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"Wow!" Enya sat up looking out the window at my grandparents house.

"That's amazing." I said

"My house is better, and bigger" My grandpa Babu said

I smiled and leaned over hugging him "I bet"

Babu pulled in front of the house and I watched my dads family get out of the car in front of us. I looked in the review mirror seeing Alonzo and Matteo getting out the car behind us.

My grandpa reached for the door but I grabbed his arm, he turned around looking at me "Can I talk to you?"

He let go of the door and sat back "This sounds important" I opened my mouth but closed it from being being nervous then I unconsciously started playing with my hands. My grandpa looked down at my hands then back at me "It is you always do that when you're nervous, or you say 'you know' a lot."

"I heard Matteo asked for your blessing" I said smiling "That must've been a funny conversation"

He sighed then looked at my hand surely looking at the ring that Alonzo got. He reached over grabbing his gun making my eyes widen "I knew he was going to ask without me being there-"

"Woah woah woah. Aljadu, he didn't propose" I held my hands up trying to stop him "Alonzo gave us couple rings for Christmas." I tapped the ring and a red light came on flashing "It has trackers in them"

He looked at my hand and slowly nodded his head "What is wrong then?"

"Nothings wrong" I chuckled "I um, I mean I know Matteo was going to propose because we had being doing this game you know? Where we would leave stuff around you know? Like letting each other know about marriage or weddings you know-"

"Hafida" he grabbed my hands "Calm down" He smiled at me "Now talk"

"I know the wedding won't be for years but" I paused "I would really like it if you walked me down the aisle?" I asked hopefully

"My beautiful granddaughter-"

A knock at the window made me jump and I turned around seeing Matteo open up my door "Matteo wait-"

"You tapped your ring" He said pulling me out of the car.

"I was showing-"

"We were having an important granddaughter grandfather moment you son of a bitch!" My grandpa slammed the car door.

"I'll get Enya" Alonzo said opening the back door.

"Grandpas about to go crazy" she chuckled shaking her head and grabbing Alonzo's hand walking away.

"Well wait a minute-" I started but was cut off by Matteo again.

"Go in the house"

"Ah yes. Go in the house hafida, I would hate for you to see your soon to be fiancée get his hands blown off" he said calmly

His Aurora (Geniuses and Genetics Book 1) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now