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Matteo looked at me and I sighed "I'm sorry, it's my best friend. She's a bit overprotective" I got out of the bed and when I stood up the room started spinning and I grabbed my head.

He came over to help me back in the bed "It's fine, but you need to stay in bed Aurora" He said firmly.

I shivered when he said my name. His voice was so smooth but rough, firm but gentle, it was velvet. I could listen to him talk all day.

I looked up at him nodding my head "Okay-"

"Why ain't you-Oh?" Asia stopped in the doorway looking between us. She crossed her arms looking at him "And you are?"

"He's leaving," I said quickly.

Matteo looked down at me and chuckled "I'll see you soon yeah?"

"Yeah. Soon"

He walked out of my room and I blew out a breath. I didn't realize I was staring at the door until Asia snapped her fingers in my face, I looked up only to see her standing next to me. "Who was that fine ass man?"

"Uh he-I" I shook my head "He was visiting someone in the area and helped me inside the house" Asia crossed her arms glaring at me and I huffed "Fine, he's Alonzo's dad"

"Excuse me?" She said trying not to yell "Aurora are you serious?"

"I fainted and he helped me in the house." I shrugged

"What do you mean he helped you in the house" She paused looking at me "He was watching you"

"I-" I cleared my throat "I didn't even think about that"

"You see a fine ass old man and all logical thinking goes out the window huh?"


"No. I mean it's better he found me instead of me laying outside unconscious for god knows how long"

"Well, that wouldn't have happened if you didn't take yo hard-headed ass to work now huh?"

"Okay mom" I chuckled and she shook her head smiling.

She sat on the bed next to me "You know I'm not tryna be a bitch. I'm just worried about you, you not gone get better if you don't rest"

"I know" I leaned my head back against the headboard "I just couldn't-"

"I know, I know" She took her shoes off and got in the bed with me "You hungry, I can go grab us some food-"

"I'm good, I just ate"

She looked up at me "He got you food?"


"He ain't try no crazy shit did he?"

"No" I chuckled "We talked and he fed me, that's it."

"What yall talk about?"

"He asked about Curtis and was just seeing how I was doing"

"Hmm. I tell you what, that man fine as fuck"

"Oh my god. Who you telling. I could barely focus on what the damn man was saying" I looked at her "And I started rambling. It was embarrassing as hell. You know how many times I said 'you know'?" I shook my head.

Asia started laughing "Knowing yo ass. Yo ass get embarrassed and it's the only thing you know how to say." She kept laughing and I shoved her shoulder.

"Shut up" I started laughing "It wasn't gang stuff like I thought-"

"Aurora don't be so naive. Is that what he told you?"

"He told me he was a businessman and that Alonzo ran a casino"

She sat up looking at me "Aurora, you beautiful, smart woman. You know better than this man. Ain't nobody who just a businessman gone do the shit they did. I don't care how fine he is. Take what you got and leave it alone. They know you don't fuck with Curtis, they let you go. Leave it at that"

I sighed "Yeah you right" I shook my head "I do know better, plus I don't be needing to date anyway. I need to find us a new place and Enya a new school" I bit my lip thinking about the fuss she was going to put up about Ms.Adams "That school ain't doing it for her anymore, she always comes home talking about how bored she is." I rolled my neck and noticed something shining on my chair where Matteo was sitting.

"What?" Asia looked over at the chair.

"Can you see what that is?"

Asia got up and went over to the chair "It's a ring" She picked it up and handed it to me. "Must be Mr.Mans"

I took it from her and grabbed my phone, I took a picture of the ring and sent him a message.

I think you forgot something?

Asia was looking at my phone and I pushed her away "Move nosy"

"Hey, I got rights" She laughed and grabbed my phone. It went off and she squealed "Oooo. He texted back"

"What he say? He coming to get it?"

She smiled at me "'Keep it. It'll give me an excuse to come visit you again'" She looked up at me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Shut up, no he didn't" I snatched the phone from her "And what happened to leaving him alone" I read over the message and it said exactly what Asia said. I felt my face getting hot and thank god Asia couldn't see I was blushing.

I hesitated before texting him back, I was staring at the letters on the screen before I hurried and texted him the first thing that came to my head.

You didn't need an excuse.

I hit send and threw the phone away from me then covered my face.

"What the hell?" Asia went over grabbing the phone. She looked at it and then looked up at me "No you didn't" She laughed making me laugh and I grabbed my phone from her. "You got it bad for this man you just met a few hours ago."

"He's nice" I rolled my eyes "And a gentleman."

"Right" She rolled her eyes "It's all fun and games now but seriously Aurora. Leave him alone"

I nodded my head and deleted the messages "You're right." Right when I said that I get another notification for a message.

I'll keep that in mind.

I sighed deleting the message and locking my phone.

"I mean if you wanna start dating again I can set you out with this dude I know. He a good dude. Got a good job, he friends with Jordan."

"Yo cousins baby daddy?"

"Yeah him"

"No, I'm good." I shook my head "I don't want to date again, I was just-" I paused looking for the right words "Just kinda got that feeling you know? The butterflies, the shivers, the nervousness, the excitement."

I looked over at Asia when I realized she wasn't saying anything, she had this dumb founded look on her face "Butterflies" She covered her mouth laughing.

I rolled my eyes "Oh bitch fuck you" I pushed her and she let out a loud laugh.

"This bitch said butterflies" She said still laughing and holding her stomach.

"I hate yo ass."

His Aurora (Geniuses and Genetics Book 1) (BWWM)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora