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I slammed my head against the desk "God I'm clingy"

Matteo had went back to Italy yesterday, and it was now Monday and my first official day back to work. I felt bad because I didn't even go get Enya like I was supposed to on Friday. After the incident with Alice, Matteo stayed with me and he ended up spending another night at my house. When I had called my auntie to let her know she just waved me off and told me she was happy I was finally having some fun and that Enya was okay.

I looked at my phone and forced myself not to send him another message. It was 8 in the morning and I had no idea what time it was in Italy.

I already had it bad for Matteo and all we do is talk and kiss, but Jesus his lips are so fucking perfect. I tried to shake off this feeling of obsessiveness I was feeling but it wasn't going away.

I heard a knock at my door and looked up seeing Asia standing there with a sucker "You is down bad my bitch"

"I know" I groaned looking up at her "Can you google what time is it in Italy?"

"Girl" She shook her head laughing then pulled out her phone "It says it's 2 pm there"

I bit my lip looking at her "Maybe he's in a meeting?"

"Dick that good huh?"

I rolled my eyes "We haven't had sex"

"Really?" She said shocked "Y'all been talking for a while, I just assumed y'all would" She shrugged

"I wanted to but I was nervous" I pushed back the memory of me about to suck his dick and decided to keep that to myself.

"Nervous? For fucking what? Have you looked in a fucking mirror?"

"I just ain't been with nobody in a while. Leave me alone"

"You should just fuck him next time he come to town, don't think about it and just do it."

"What? No" I waved her off "Matteo isn't-" I paused thinking about how his behavior changed when I was about to suck his dick. It was demanding and almost feral, like he knew what I wanted to give him but was to scared to do so. The encouragement he gave me with his eyes, and don't even get me started on how deep his voice got when he was speaking to me in Italian. I clenched my legs thinking about it and was about to go off into a daydream until I heard Asia clearing her throat.

"Isn't like what?" She said smiling

"Get out" I said covering my face.

"You got one of those bullets that fit in yo purse?"

"Asia get the hell out of my office!" I yelled laughing and she laughed while shutting the door.

The door opened again and she poked her head in "You know I'll watch my baby-"

"Get out before I fire you!" I balled up a piece of paper and threw it at her.

I opened my email and saw a email from my Chief Nursing Officer, Ian, about the Alice incident. He wanted to schedule a zoom meeting so I could catch him up on everything that led to the invents this weekend. I looked at the time and saw it was 8:45 am and emailed him back letting him know that 9:30 am was a good time for me and to let me know if he needed to reschedule, to just let me know.

As soon as I sent the email, my phone started ringing and I nearly threw my chair into the wall trying to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered trying to sound calm.

"Now, now, let me tell you something little girl, I'm her damn aunt and I can drop her off if I damn please, you catching what I'm giving to you?" I sigh hearing my auntie and then smiled when I knew she was arguing with the new employee.

His Aurora (Geniuses and Genetics Book 1) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now