Enemy (Chapter 7):
Song: Meant to be by Bebe Rexha ft. Florida Georgia Line

The prisons inside represent inspiration from many sci-fi and thriller movies, but it was mainly from Paddington 2.

The call (chapter 8):
The idea of Snowfall howling into a giant microphone to hear Carlos came from me watching a brief scene in the movie Horton hears a Who.

The battle arena was based on the Colosseum in Rome, and the weapons/bloodshed on it was based on the aftermath of a Hunger Games round.

The mind control itself in the book can only be activated through a specific gas. And the gas was inspired by Detective Pikachu when the Pokémon in the battle arena went wild when the purple gas was released. I changed a couple of things: the user can control the victims who breathe in the gas, and when victims breathe it in, their eyes turn a dark shade of red instead of purple.

However, the gas is possible to flow through a bullet. Shown when Mina suddenly turns savage and almost kills Poppy. This scene, however, was inspired by Zootopia when Mayor Bellweather shot a bullet of Night-howlers at Nick to kill Judy. That officially failed since the bullet itself was a blueberry. And that scene same implies this one too.

Escape (Chapter 9):
"Mr. Satan's teddy bear." is a comment used in Back to the Outback when Zoe comments to Pretty Boy during the escape from the zoo.

At the scene where Shift (being invisible) was distracting the guard, Maddie attacked it. This scene was inspired by season 4 of Lego Ninjago.

As Mina mentioned, "it took many tries before the birds could made it." This is a reference for the Angry Birds. And when Carlos was being string-shotted before he could say anything, this was a reference to Chuck when he didn't finish his sentence before he was shot.

The description of the prison cages is a nod to Zootopia; when Judy and Nick were trying to find Emet Otterton, they saw all the missing mammals, plus their information set was shown in front of their cages.

Betrayal (chapter 10):
Trollex's betrayal was from The Bad Guys when Professor Marmalade tricked the bad guys by making everyone think they stole the heart meteoroid. He even stated that when people search for bad, they don't see a cute Guinea pig; they see the bad guys in return. Trollex's betrayal showed that the most innocent and kindest aren't always the purest.

Another thing to add about the gas, the materials to make it aren't strong enough to work on the hybrids since they're from a different universe. But some aspects of the Trolls' world have a lot of effect on the Hybrids; this explains the torturous state Maddie and Shift feel when they have some of their genetic code removed from their bodies.

Be prepared (chapter 11):
"I just feel it! In my jellies!" This phrase came from Detective Pikachu when Pikachu was trying to convince Tim to help him find his partner.

When Poppy was trying to do her cheer, everyone didn't say it. This is a reference to Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle, when Bethany tried to do the cheer as well but gets ignored.

When Poppy describes, she can "hear" the narrator. This is a reference to Ever After High; Madeline Hatter said she was the only one who could hear them during the first episode.

And when Mina was trying to walk away from her friends, making sure she wouldn't crack about her sweet, affectionate side for Shift, she kept saying "no, no, no, no, no," followed up by beatboxing. This was a reference to The Lego Batman movie when Batman said the same thing to Alfred to ensure he didn't go to Chief Gordon's retirement party.

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