The Call

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By night:
The Speakers were ready, the giant spotlight was ready, and most importantly: Snowfall was ready. She saw the full moon and was ready to howl as loud as she can.

"You can do this Snowfall. We believe in you."
Joan said giving her a hug.

"Smidge said the sonar is ready, so incase Carlos responds, his howl will show up. Don't worry, you've been warming up and preparing for this. You can do this." Queen Essence said giving Snowfall a smile.

Smidge gave the signal to put on the headphones, so the speaker wouldn't destroy their ear-drums. Snowfall stepped onto the stage and took the mic.

She had a determined look on her face. She was ready to bring back, many Trolls, her friends, and her brother back. She turned on the mic and said:

She howled so loudly everyone had to go to their rooms to cancel to sound. She did took a couple of breaths but until she is passed out, she wouldn't stop howling.

On the island:
The Country Troll escorted Poppy away to a different location away from Branch and Barb. She ended up being thrown into a room with lots of bushes and trees. It almost looked like an arena.

👹Let the game, begin!👹
The dark figure said and a spotlight was shining on top of Poppy. She saw many different Trolls around the stadium. All of them had red eyes, and were guarding everywhere.

That's when another spotlight was showed down onto a big metal cage above Poppy. And Branch and Barb were inside!

"Guys! I'm coming!"
Poppy said as she tried to use her hair to grab onto the cage. But before she could do that, she felt something grabbing onto her hair, and whatever it was pulled a large amount of it. Poppy let go of her hair because it was hurting so much.

👹Oh, look at that! Miss Poppy is ruining the fun! Well, not to worry! There won't be any of that, not on their watch.👹
The figure spoke again and a 3 spotlights shone down on 3 figures. Carlos, Maddie, and Shift with red eyes.

"No! Not you guys too." Poppy said under her breath.

However, Maddie hissed, Carlos growled, and Shift changed his skin to a dark red in response.

👹But wait! How can I be a host, if I don't show myself? Nice to meet you again—👹
The Dark figure took of his hood to reveal.

"Gasp! Creek."
Poppy said in a angry tone 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

"Creek?! How did you? When did you?—

"I suggest I should show you how I ended up here.
Medusa, please guard our guests please. You two watch the other prisoners!"
Creek said and he used his hair to hair-glide to talk to Poppy.

"Oh! And Branch. Don't bother escaping, Maddie's venom is powerful enough to kill 100 Pop Trolls, and the bite is painful."
Creek said happily to Branch.

"Poppy let me explain everything. When I got sent down with that nasty Bergen. I almost got myself eaten, instead of being free."
Creek explained.

"The way Poppy described Creek, he deserved to be eaten." Barb whispered.

"I agree." Branch said back only to be interrupted by Maddie's terrifying hissing.

That's when a backstory showed Creek getting almost eaten by the hill creature in Trolls.

"But before I ended up with death, someone saved me."
Creek explained a figure using his hair to save him.

"He told me, he's a powerful Troll. And he could grant me any wish I want. But it was for a price."
Creek explained. And the backstory showed Creek shaking hands with the figure.

Trolls: Troll-wreakedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ