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Meanwhile inside a cave. All the Trolls found the cave quite cozy. Maddie made blankets by using leafs, and she also made a fire so it was warm inside. There were 4 baskets made of wood. And each basket there was something different. One had water, another had sand, another had herbs, and the last one had fruit. Everyone was chilling out inside.

"Oh wow! These blankets are cozy. It's like I can fall-asleep." Prince D said with a yawn.

"Don't sleep now! We have to wait for the surprise!"
Poppy said enthusiastically.

That's when everyone heard a rustle outside. Maddie immediately went to the edge of the cave and flared her neck hood and showed her fangs.

🐍Who's there? Show yourssssself🐍
Maddie hissed into the darkness.

Thats when Maddie attacked the sound and rapped something with her tail.
"Stop it! Y-your choking m-me."
A voice said and immediately Maddie let it go because it was Mina.

"Mina?! Why didn't you say anything?! I could off choked you to death!"
Maddie glared angrily at her.

"It was my instincts to not come close, you Orange Slut!" Mina yelled back.

"Gasp! You take that back, Feather Face!"
Maddie hissed back, flaring again her neck hood.

"I'll take that back, I say we're no longer friends!"
Mina shouted while she was sticking her tongue out.

Few Minutes later:
Maddie and Mina were both chatting about stuff, everyone was completely confused on their fast reunion.

"I thought there not friends anymore."
Trollex said with a confused look.

"Oh those 2? There bread and butter, there inseparable! When we fight with each other we call them friend-fights." Shift answered while he was eating a berry.

"Anyway, we brought the thing!" Shift said holding a handmade guitar made of wood and palm leaves.

"Mina thought it would be a good idea to sing campfire songs. Since the interior here felt like a camping trip." Maddie said nudging Mina's arm.

"Maddie! Your embarrassing me."
Mina said covering her face with her wings.

"Nonsense! Shift pass me the guitar! I have a song to sing about our adventures so far here!"
Hickory said holding the guitar and he started to play the song.

The way Hickory was plucking the strings, Mina had a flashback when she was younger. In the flashback, her father was playing a lullaby to her on the guitar. The song was something he wrote for her.

The flashback:
There was a thunderstorm outside. Mina was to scared to sleep worrying the storm might eat her. So her father came to her room.

He looked like an older version to Mina. Except he had glasses and a couple of grey lines in his hair. (He is voiced by Jack Johnson, and his name is Eric).

"Jellybean, what's wrong?" Eric asked.
(Back then, Mina's Dad would call her Jellybean instead of her real name).

"The-the st-storm is s-scary. It's going to eat me!"
Mina said covering her entire body with her wings.

"Can I sleep in your room?" Mina asked.
"Please. I want to be together with you and mommy." She begged in her "baby voice".

Instead Eric sat on Mina's bed and took out his guitar. And said in a soothing voice:
"Jellybean. Listen. I'm going to stay with you all night. The truth is, I want to be with you to. But only if you trust me. Do you trust me?"

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