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While the group were travelling threw the cave system. They realised the other Trolls were still down in the caves, and that caused problems with decisions.

"We have to get them back! Who knows what Creek did to them already!"
Poppy protested.

"The more we stop, the more there be a chance we will never see our friends and family again!"
Branch said back to his girlfriend.

Eventually the 2 started arguing on what should they do.

"Oh God! This is not the time for a Broppy argument! We have bigger fish to fry! Don't tell Trollex I said that!"
Barb shouted to everyone.

"I have a plan! Maybe we could split! Carlos, Branch and me will follow the signal, while the rest try to find the other captive Trolls!"
Mina suggested.

"But what about the mind-controlled Trolls? And-and the directions? How are we going to figure those out?"
Branch immediately said.

"Let Maddie and Shift take care of it! Alright, does everyone understand the plan? Once we find out the sound, we will come back to find you guys, or we will send a signal ourselves! Clear?"
Mina said.

"One problem! What are we gonna do with Mr. Satan's teddy bear?"
Maddie joked around while Creek was still being held by her tail.

"Oh I got it covered!"
Carlos said as he stretched his arms. He got close to Creek and punched him in the chin to knock him out

"Sorry Mina, but you need to carry something."
Carlos said as he passed an unconscious Creek towards her.

"We're losing time! Let's go, go, go, go!"
Branch said and the teams went their separate ways.

With Carlos's team:
Carlos got through the caves easily. With his incredible sense of smell and hearing, nothing could stop him. Well, he did have to stop a couple times to carry Creek when Mina was resting.

"God, how heavy is he?"
Carlos said under his breath.

They also didn't bump into any guards.

Eventually Carlos heard a horn. They followed the sound until they reached the edge of a cave seeing the night sky.

 They followed the sound until they reached the edge of a cave seeing the night sky

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That's when they all heard the horn again, and when they found the cause of it. It was the Cruise.

"Wait! We're right here! Come BACK!!!!!"
Carlos shouted and ran trying to catch it.

"Wait for us!"
Branch shouted trying to catch up to Carlos.

With Poppy's team:

Mina was right for bringing Maddie and Shift along to help. With their reptile abilities, they were like spy's!

"Guys! I hear someone coming, hide!"
Maddie said and everyone hid behind the wall while Shift turned himself invisible, and Maddie slithered on top of the ceiling. Waiting to strike.

Trolls: Troll-wreakedWhere stories live. Discover now