Chapter Sixteen

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June 14th, 1666

"I do not appreciate your actions, Lord George."

George stood stiff, frowning with his stomach churning before King Charles. Members of House Northcutt stood in the gallery, and Lord Tobias had gathered the strength to make a public appearance with Rosamund. All of them looked upon George with hard eyes.

"I thought I was being generous with you, Lord George, by allowing Lady Diana's mourning period to be ended early so your may court her," the King said. His tone was low and cold. "And I also thought that I made it very clear that you could not proceed with courtship and marriage until after she gave birth. Did I not say that to you, Lord George?"

"...Aye, you did Your Majesty," George said in a humble tone.

"So why is it, while I'm dealing with fires in London and the conflict with the Dutch, am I also burdened with the task of dealing with you defying my orders and causing Lady Diana to go into labor? Do you not realize the risk you caused to Earl Edmund Northcutt's only heir?"

George swallowed thickly. "Your Majesty," he said. "If I may, her Ladyship was on the verge of giving birth regardless—"

"And you believed that this was an appropriate time for you to marry her?" King Charles interjected, narrowing his eyes.

"I was only thinking of Lady Diana," George said quickly. For the first time in known memory, he looked stressed and panicked. "For the wellbeing of my uncle's baby—"

"I have multiple witness testimony that you questioned the parentage of the babe while Lady Diana was giving birth," the King interrupted him. Murmurs of outrage broke out across the gallery. "You accused a Countess of such deception. And yet now you say that the babe is your uncle's? Which is it, Lord George?"

George sputtered, not knowing what to say in the moment. He had a feeling that no matter what he said it would be the wrong thing to say. "I...apologize for my appalling behavior," was all he could manage to say.

"It was indeed appalling behavior," the King agreed. "And I do not believe for one moment that you have the best interests of Lady Diana or Earl Edmund's son at heart. I am revoking your bid to court and marry Lady Diana, and I am allowing her back her mourning period for however long she sees fit. If you wish to court her in the future, you will need to go to great lengths to prove yourself Lord George."

"...I understand, Your Majesty," George said, bowing.

"There is no rush after all, since you are no longer the heir to the Earl title," King Charles added. He looked up then and towards the gallery. "How is the heir doing?"

"The babe is healthy, as is his mother Your Majesty," Thomas responded. "Lady Diana has given the babe the name Henry, after our great-grandfather."

"Henry is a fine name and from what I've heard Henry Northcutt was a fine man," the King said. "Lady Diana is a fine woman to honor him."

George tried not to scowl as he was still in the presence of the King. When he was eventually dismissed he was not certain how his situation could get any worse, but fate apparently was determined to show him.

"Milord." A page approached him with a letter. "This arrived for you earlier, Milord."

George snatched the letter from him and nearly tore it in half when he opened it. What he read further soured his stomach; several of his "clients" had dropped him. He was on the verge of losing a considerable amount of money.

I need to get this resolved. He ripped the letter into several pieces and stormed away. And when I do, I'll be back. And I'm going to make them all pay.

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