Chapter Five

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September 22nd, 1665

Less than a week ago, I was at home preparing for my upcoming birthday. Now...I am about to wed the Earl of Emerson.

Diana closed her eyes and held herself very still while Rosamund and Phoebe brushed out her skirt. Arabella was idly looking out the window, looking bored and not offering assistance to her sisters. While her periwinkle dress was the one she was fondest of, the Northcutt family provided for her a lovely silver-colored dress made of satin. It was slightly large on her, but Rosamund helped to discreetly pin it for her. "They are certainly rushing you into this marriage, Diana," Rosamund murmured. "Though...given the current health of the Earl, I can see why."

Diana was glad that Rosamund had been able to come to her wedding, but she knew that it was because their father had wanted to come to the wedding. But as Rosamund was in charge of not only Tobias's care, but also the care of their baby brother, she would not have a moment to relax. But because of Tobias's health, it would be Jonathan who would give Diana away.

"I will gladly stay with Father and Toby today," Phoebe said, straightening. She was dressed in a soft blue dress. Diana knew that Phoebe preferred muted colors, but wearing black or brown to a wedding was not good for their stations. "I detest social events—"

"You're making your debut at the reception," Rosamund reminded her. "Both Arabella and you are. So just put up with it for today, Phoebe. Wearing blue to a wedding will showcase your purity."

"Then how come I'm not wearing blue?" Arabella asked, hopping off the window seat. "I'm pure!" Her dress was rose red.

"Then you'll match Phoebe," Rosamund said with a cold smile. Arabella quickly shook her head. "Never mind."

"Where is Father?" Diana asked.

"Downstairs," Rosamund said. "No doubt bothering the maids of Northcutt Castle. This will undoubtedly be my only reprieve of him, so—" at that moment, Toby began to cry on the bed. Rosamund sighed heavily. "I spoke too soon."

"Here, allow me," Diana said, hurrying to the bed to pick up her baby brother. "I know when I will be able to hold him like this again, so I want to cherish the moment."

There was a knock at the door. "Lady Diana?"

The Northcutt family had started addressing her with the "Lady" title and not "Miss" just the day before. Diana knew that it may take some time for her to get used to it. "Aye, come in!" Diana called. The door opened and Margery came in holding a fussing infant, followed by Katherine and Rebekah. "Oh, this must be little Emmelie, isn't it?"

"Look at that red hair!" Rosamund gasped. "So vibrant!"

Margery laughed softly. "She is certainly her father's daughter. This red hair is from his side."

"How old is she?" Diana asked as she moved closer with Toby. "Toby here is eighteen months old."

"Emmelie is nearly a year old," Margery said. She turned her baby towards Diana and Toby. "Emmelie, here. Say hello to Lady Diana and Toby."

Emmelie made a gurgling noise, which was Diana's only warning. She opened her mouth and retched, vomiting all over Toby. Both babies began to shriek and Rosamund quickly stepped in to take Toby out of Diana's arms before any of the vomit came in contact with her dress.

"That's a lovely first impression," Arabella said sarcastically.

"P-Please accept my apologies, Lady Diana!" Margery exclaimed, her eyes wide. Behind her, Katherine reflexively burst into laughter and Rebekah swatted her arm. "Her wet nurse said that she was fussy this morning, but—"

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