Chapter Seven

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September 23rd, 1665

The bedchamber was filled with family members, silent except for quiet weeping of the relatives and even quieter weeping from the servants as the personal physician of the Earl of Emerson leaned over his body and examined him. Edmund had laid as still as he had, unmoving from the position his two nephews had put him in the night before. Diana had slept fitfully, and had woken at the pink sky of dawn. She didn't know if this was sufficient time to scream to awake the castle, but she didn't care. She sucked in a breath and screamed as loud as she could, and then threw herself from the bed. When servants and even early risers in the family burst in, they found Diana on the floor screaming and crying, and Edmund laying in bed dead.

The physician let out a loud sigh as he straightened. "I could perform an autopsy for a more precise time of death for the Earl, however I don't believe it to be necessary. Lord Edmund has been ill for many years now, and hadn't long to live as it was." He lifted the sheet up and saw the blood on the bedspread. He set the sheet down. "My medical conclusion is that his poor body gave out from his wedding night."

The unanswered question lingered in the air, but everyone seemed afraid to ask it. Thomas moved forward and grabbed the sheet, pulling it back for all to see. Murmurs broke out across the room when they saw the blood. "It is confirmed and we are all witnesses," Thomas announced. "The marriage was consummated, and poor Uncle Edmund passed away shortly thereafter."

George looked at the bedspread with a stony expression. It was hard to tell if he was infuriated or indifferent. Thomas tried not to smirk as he reset the blanket. Too bad, my brother. You will not be able to immediately claim our uncle's title. So help me God, you will never get his title!

"...We should prepare for the Visitation," Reginald said softly. The elderly gentleman spoke with a shaky tone and tears ran unchecked down his cheeks as he looked upon his eldest brother. Joanna dabbed at her husband's cheeks with her handkerchief, her hands trembling.

"We should," William agreed, but before he could say anything further someone darted into the room. "His Majesty approaches!"

Everyone snapped to attention and cleared the way as King Charles II swept into the room. He wasn't dressed in black but in more muted colors than what he usually wore. He looked across the room as the family bowed and curtsied to him. "Please pardon me," he said softly. "I did not think to pack mourning clothes for this occasion." Then his eyes fell upon Edmund. His face was unchanging, but he moved towards the bed and stood at Edmund side. The King leaned down, looking at the Earl closely. After a moment he reached out a pressed a hand over his heart. When he did not feel it beating he withdrew his hand. "Goodbye, my dear friend," the King said quietly. "My father never forgot your dedication, nor your loyalty. I regret...not conveying my gratitude in a more timely fashion."

The King straightened and looked out over the family. "Where is the Countess?" he asked.

Gavin flinched from where he stood between Rafe and Lionel. Rafe gave him a sideways glance but said nothing.

"Lady Diana is downstairs with her father and sisters," Elizabeth said, stepping forward. "The poor girl...she woke up and found the Earl. We thought it best to remove her from the room as to not cause her further discomfort."

King Charles shook his head sadly. "Poor girl indeed." He glanced towards Edmund again before looking at the physician. "How did the Earl die?" he asked the physician.

The man in question coughed and looked away. "Ah...Your Majesty. Given the Earl of Emerson's declining health, I determined that it was...a direct result of his wedding night."

"Hmm." King Charles looked towards Edmund again. "I suppose that there are worse ways for a man to die."

The men burst into laughter while some of the women tittered awkwardly. "But I would like to see the Countess," the King said. "Would someone be able to bring her here?"

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