"There's a certain acceptable range. The serum you were given was very well above that range, and you're about to have the opportunity to make things right." The man, whose name Morai still didn't know, called two familiar names down to the lab. 

"If you're going to take that, do it now," he suggested. Morai held it in her hand and considered it a moment, then remembered what the doctor had said earlier. If he was playing some sort of mind game, it worked. The Mask Maker took the cap off with her teeth, spit it out, and downed the small amount of serum.

The familiar feeling of heat surging throughout her body returned, and Morai gritted her teeth and dropped the empty vial. Her eyes glowed red for a brief moment again, and the strange feeling of thirst grew almost unbearable. Her breathing became heavier, and the doctor watched closely and wrote down what he witnessed. 

Finally, two familiar faces walked through the door. It was the two scientists with whom Morai had had dealings before. She had hardly ever gotten through a visit to any Team Rocket location without them showing up to ask her questions or begging her to let them run some sort of test. It clicked in her mind then that they were responsible for almost killing her. 

"If it isn't Morai!" one of them said, chuckling nervously. She walked in front of the door they had just come through, invading the personal space of both of them and causing them to back away. They made quick glances to their colleague, but he did nothing but watch and write. 

Battling the Unovian Elite Four didn't daunt Morai, as she didn't plan to battle at all. She had done it years ago before Grimsley, the former Dark-type member, stepped down. Cheren held the interim spot while a permanent member was decided upon. It wasn't the title of Champion that had drawn Morai back to the revered castle-like structure, however, but the psychic member of the Elite Four, Caitlin. Thus, with her mask covering her face, she entered the chambers of the sleeping young woman first.

Caitlin looked like a princess from a fairy tail, with long, flowing blonde hair and sleepy blue eyes. She was cloaked in a white and pink gown that was apparently comfortable enough to sleep in. When Morai reached the top of the long staircase leading up to her flowery bed, she yawned and stretched, her eyes still closed.

"It's me who appeared when the flower opened up. You who have been waiting...you...oh? Oh dear. I recognize that mask, though I thought I remembered seeing another side to it. You're The Mask Maker."

Morai nodded. "You can call me Morai."

"I suppose it's my duty to stop you here and have you arrested, then. But, I do wonder, why did you come here to interrupt my sleep? There are 3 other members in this castle."

"None of them are psychic. I didn't come to cause trouble, but to simply speak to another psychic trainer in hopes of understanding my own powers," Morai replied—rather calmly despite the fact that she had violently taken down several police agents and had come close to death a day before.

"Oh, I see...surely someone saw you come in," Caitlin said in a sleepy voice. 

"If they did, they won't be capable of calling for help now," Morai replied. Caitlin understood the implication and nodded. 

"Come have a seat, then, I suppose," she said, as if she had no other choice. The only place to sit was her flower bed, which put Morai awkwardly close to the Elite Four member. 

"You were born with your abilities, yes?" 

Caitlin nodded again. "At least, I've had them for as long as I remember. When I was old enough to battle, I began to realize their true power. When I lost a match, they would spiral terribly out of control due to the negative emotions I felt. I was even forbidden from battling for a while. Eventually, with the help of Darach as well as my own Pokémon, I learned to control my powers and keep my emotions in check."

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