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"What is this for, exactly?" 

Morai was standing at the edge of a forest in the dream realm, the one where her two counterparts often trained. Light Morai was tying a piece of cloth around her eyes. 

"You will become more proficient in using the Mind's Eye if you have no choice but to use it," Light Morai explained. "This is an excellent way to learn how to orient yourself properly while moving through an area with many natural obstacles...I think there are other things to be learned here, as well."

 She glanced briefly at Shadow Morai, and was shot a cutting glare. 

"And what's she doing here?" Morai asked, nodding toward her shadow counterpart. 

"What's the matter? Goody Two Shoes here didn't tell you that you'd be pursued, and by me?" Shadow Morai said with a grin.

"Wait, so I have to make it through this forest without my eyesight and outrun someone with rage problems who really wants to do me harm?" Morai asked.

"Pfft, I don't have rage problems. I just don't like you, and I have a habit of beating up the people I don't like," Shadow Morai sneered.

Morai shrugged her shoulders. 

"Yeah, so...rage problems."

Shadow Morai walked up beside her and put hand on her shoulder, whispering in her ear. 

"Look, it's not a matter of if  I catch you, it's a matter of when. Therefore, I would be very careful of what I say if I were you," she hissed. Morai crossed her arms. Light Morai only shook her head. 

Morai noticed that her shadow counterpart had wrapped both of her hands and wrists in black cloth, which is a common practice among martial artists. She was either being more cautious about her hands, which was unlikely, or she wanted to do more damage without completely breaking herself. 

Morai was nervous. Not so much about making it through the forest, but about what would be chasing her through it. Shadow Morai was right. Her counterpart was likely going to catch her because of her decreased vision and speed. When she did, it was a matter of how well Morai could defend herself without her own eyesight and how cruel her opponent was feeling. What made the trainer even more nervous was that Shadow Morai seemed...different. She attempted to appear calm and in control, but she seemed restless, like a wild Pokémon trapped in a small cage. 

"Alright," Light Morai said. "Your blindfold is on tight, so it shouldn't come off as easily should you fall. Usually, Shadow Morai and I have rules set to guide our training. This time, however, it is no holds barred. Morai, you must make it to the waterfall, and you, Shadow Morai, must stop her." 

Shadow Morai narrowed her eyes and smiled. 

"Are you ready, Morai?" Light Morai asked. 

Morai sighed, "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

"And you, Shadow Morai?"

The trainer's smile widened into an insidious grin. 

"I've been ready."

"Alright then," Light Morai said. "Morai—Shadow Morai, I mean—please give your opponent a 30-second head start so that she can become oriented to her surroundings."

Her counterpart nodded in agreement, surprisingly. 

"Morai, your time starts now." 

Morai burst into a run, but immediately slowed down. She had to find the sight of a Pokémon nearby, preferably one in the trees above, and orient herself. 

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