"Ask me anything." I said happily because I was so sure of acing my physics test. I wrote excellently well to say the least.

"So your name is Jasmine .O. Wilson yeah?" he stared at my physics note which was a hardcover.

"Obviously." I said, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

"So what does the .O. in your name stand for?" He asked, curiosity clouding him. I didn't mind the question tho so I responded.

"Oh, it's my native name. It stands for Oluchi." I say, shrugging.

If only I knew that was the beginning of the end for me. . .

"Aww, lulu," he teased smiling at me.

"What the fuck is that Drey?" I was so lost at first.

"Oluchi na, lulu." He said making me to burst out laughing.

At first I thought it was just for that day and then he would stop calling me the name but I think Drey for one, never goes back on his words.
He calls me Jasmine every now and then but he called me lulu more. It's so tiring.

"When you are done talking to your folks in wonderland, tell them I said hi then come back to reality." Drey uttered making my train of thoughts disappear. I guess he realized that I was no longer paying attention to him.

I chuckled a little before responding. "They said I should beg you to stop calling me lulu."

"You know that's not happening babe." Drey winked at me. By this time, we were already settled in class. The bell for the assembly went off and I heard the sound of students rushing to the assembly hall.

"Are you not going to the assembly?" I ask Drey who didn't even seem bothered by the bell. He was still doing his own thing. We were the only ones left in the class now.

"You know I never attend assembly. Just go on okay, I'll be here when you come back." He said in assurance. I didn't want to leave him but at the same time, I didn't have a choice.

I still don't know what this thing I feel for Drey is. I know it's not love because if we are talking about love, the whole world knows who I'm in love with.
At the same time, I really, really have a soft spot for Drey.

I don't know if it's because of his charisma or it's just because he's literally my only friend in this entire school. Whatever it is, it was really special. Drey had a special spot in my heart.

"Okay fine, I'm leaving. Don't miss me too much you hear?" I smirk at him.

"I'll try not to." He smiled. With that, I left the class and headed for the assembly hall.

All through the assembly, my mind was on Drey but my heart was still focused on Dave. I don't even understand if I have feelings for two boys at the same time. Is that possible?

Soon, we were done with the praise and worship and we had already recited the national anthem. It was now time for announcement and the owner of the school, Mrs. Febian came out to speak.

The students began to give her a round of applause as she walked towards the stage. Immediately, I knew it had to be something important because she rarely ever came out to give an announcement. In most cases, it was given by the vice principal or the HODs.

"Good morning students," Mrs Febian greeted warmly. Everywhere was now quiet. Even when in her mid-fifties, she still looked so young and agile. She was really beautiful too.

"Good Morning, Ma." The students, including myself chorused.

"So this announcement is specially for the SS3's and JSS3 students," she began making me pay proper attention to her.

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