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The one word rings in my head as I gracefully sit up knowing all eyes in the room is set on me even though it is dark enough not to make a face in the crowd.

I dare not look.

My phone flashes, distracted from receiving a text. Cole?

I miss you. I miss us. Call me, please. It reads.

My eyes shift to my friend by my side who wears a sheepish grin clearly enjoying the cherry of her night unaware until she catches the focus of my attention.

Cole miss me. He misses us.

The sad tempo that have lived in my heart for so long changes to a new rhythm overjoyed by the fact all is not quite lost.

This has to be a sign from fate, we can still make it work and my life has not truly fallen apart; thinking of ways to escape my mum tonight and run to him like you see in classic movies.

A light of hope sparks in my heart; it is not yet over.

If I care well enough for this spark and not let it fade, it can bloom into the scariest wild fire strong enough to hold, nurture the oneness Cole and I share, forever.

Our love will burn forever.

My pupils dilate as I watch my friend slide my phone closer to her side dropping the gadget into her purse without a doubt reading the look in my eyes to ditch mum’s event and run to Cole.

Pitiful. A voice in my head mock me.

My eyes couldn’t stop staring at her purse. She don’t get it. No one does.

What I have passed through these past weeks wanting to escape reality. This text is the only thing that can make my life seem right and if I miss my chance…

My smile broaden in such a euphoric bliss at an unexpected victory.

Zimra clears her throat quietly snapping me out of my daydreams as I hear applauding hands waiting for me to match the stage.

Urging me to walk up the stage with her eyes thereby dismissing stray thoughts out of my head by the looks she gives me while everyone claps for me.

One last look at her purse, I turn on my heels in hopes not to strangle my mum when I get to her thinking of how she planned this from the very first day at the restaurant.

The motive. This alluring dress. Diva looks.

How did I not see it coming?

And her perfect plan came to life with Cole out of the picture.

Sadly, he is back; and I will not pass a chance to redeem what we once shared whether the two most important women in my life likes it or not.

I will go see Cole tonight.

Mum welcomes me on the stage having the most beautiful smile on her red stained lips, I return her smile hearing the thundering claps die down.

Getting closer for a kiss on my cheek. I whisper. “I know what you did, mama.” Mum grins placing the softest kiss on my cheek.

Pulling away. She comments softly. “Don’t get ahead of yourself darling. Smile for the camera, this is your first event after all.”

And so I did, smiling pleasantly for the crowd who stares at mother and daughter.

“Behold! Our muse behind the painting.” Awes and gushes permeates the room at my introduction.

Mum grins. “Isn’t she a beauty to behold?”

Hell Sweet, KaylaWhere stories live. Discover now